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Answers Dashboard

This long-term optimization dashboard has a great deal of information focused on improving the answers in your project.

The widgets can be sorted several ways depending on what aspect of your data you wish to focus on, and with little to no filtering in the widgets themselves. The default dashboard filters apply, and you can filter this Dashboard to only show Answers from one particular Interaction Type.

The gauges at the top of this Dashboard are intended to show you where your focus is needed with a single glance.

Interaction Link Click % Widget

Overall % of offered links that your users clicked. If this percentage is low, you are either offering links that your users don’t need or it is not clear enough from your Answers that these links are useful. Consider emphasizing the purpose of the link in your Answer with a Call to Action.

Positive Feedback Widget

Overall % of Feedback that was positive. If you want to increase this percentage, you should review the various answers that received negative feedback to improve their effectiveness. You could also look at which questions caused the person asking them to give negative feedback. Consider adding or amending articles (Q&A) that answer those questions.

Recognition Rate Widget

The Recognition Rate of a question is a measure of how precisely a question was recognized. It only applies to articles (Q&A). A question doesn’t need to be matched with 100% precision in order to receive a correct answer. If this number is too low, however, the chance of the answer not matching the question increases. It’s worth looking in your article (Q&A) logs (or the Q&A Questions or Gap Analysis dashboards) at the questions that had a very low recognition rate and adding extra articles (Q&A) to your project to cover these.

Interactions With Answers per Day Widget

Line chart showing the number of Dialog, FAQClick, Event, and QA interactions. These are the interactions that can receive answers.

Answers Widget

This widget lists the Top 50 Answers* for the selected interaction type in the filters. By default, this list is sorted so the most activated answer is at the top. You can, however, sort by any of the given statistics:

  • Activations: How often the answer was activated

  • Links in Answer: The number of links in this answer

  • Link Clicks: The number of times a Link from this answer was clicked

  • Negative Feedback**: How often users gave negative feedback after receiving this answer

  • Positive Feedback**: How often users gave positive feedback after receiving this answer

  • Rec. Rate (articles (Q&A) Only): How precisely the questions which activated this answer were recognized
  • Example Activated Article: An Id of an article in the knowledge base that has this answer

  • # Activated Articles: The number of different activated articles that have this answer

You can use any of the predefined drill-options to drill down into the following:

  • Answers to Categories (Classification,Category)

  • Answers to Clicked Links

  • Answers to Feedback** (Positive/Negative, Score, Label)

  • Answers to Interactions (Article ID, Interaction value)

An 'Article' is a given item in your knowledge base - an article (Q&A) with several questions and multiple (contextual) answers constitutes a single article. Each node in a dialog, and each event is also an article. Because of context, articles can have multiple answers, and because it is possible to use the same answer text on multiple articles, an answer (in the dashboard) can be associated with multiple articles.

* To view all answers for the selected filters, scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and click on the 'Get List of all Answers' link.

** The long-term data source does not have feedback comments included. Feedback comments are accessible from the feedback dashboard for two months.

Top Clicked Links Widget

In the answers dashboard, the clicked links widget shows you a list of URLs and indicates in how many different (activated) articles the link was clicked. The columns are sorted by overall number of clicks with most clicks sorted at the top of the table. You can find the source of link clicks from the answers or article IDs by using the drill-options.

Top Events Related to Other Interactions

This widget shows which Events resulted from Interactions. When you click on one of the events, the other widgets in the dashboard will be updated.

Top (T-)Dialogs Started by Other Interactions

With this widget, you can see which dialogs were activated by other Interactions.

When you hover over one of the dialogs, you can see the interaction count. Once you select a dialog from the graph, the widgets above will be updated.

Get List of All Answers

By clicking this link on the bottom a jump dashboard will open containing all answers for the applied filters with an overview of the following:

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