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Are user questions consisting of only stop words used in calculating the recognition rate?

When a user question consists only of stop words, there is no recognition and the no recognition Event is triggered.


These are questions, consisting of terms the system has been told to ignore. They are therefore not recognized by the system.

So they have a recognition rate of 0, both for the entity-based and intent-based (AKA 'Questions Answered) Recognition Rate calculations. Questions that are not recognized to count toward (a lowered) overall recognition rate on both counts.

If your project has a lot of questions that consists solely of stop words, it would be good to review your list of stop words to see if they follow these guidelines of what a stop word should be.

Stop Word Guidelines

Stop Words should be a list of common terms and expressions that users often use in their questions, but don't serve to make clear what their question is about.

Examples are:

  • Articles (the, a, an)

  • Auxiliary verbs (do, will, can, be)

  • Prepositions (to, on, in, for)

  • Personal pronouns (I, we, you)

  • Common phrases people use for politeness' sake (please, thanks, cheers)

It's important to note that words that are added to the stop words:

  • Can no longer be used for recognition anywhere

  • Will not be shown as 'Missing Words' in the Gap Analysis Dashboard

So, use caution when you're adding stop words.


  • Stopwords

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