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Business Report Details Dashboard

The Business Report Details Dashboard provides a quick overview of the top 10 items for the following:

  • Longtail questions (recurring user questions that were not recognized)

  • Article (Q&A) combinations with a low recognition (rate below 60%)
  • Answers with the most negative feedback

  • Categories with the most negative feedback

  • Top Pages where the interactions took place

Longtail Questions Widget

These recurring user questions were not recognized fully. This widget gives the combinations of entities for which there was not an exact match in the article (Q&A) of your knowledge base at the moment the question was asked. The columns after providing counts of how often this combination of entities occurred and on how many days in your selected time period.

Do keep in mind that if you add, edit or delete entities, the exact same question may give rise to a different entity combination. Add the question to the system or change entities to remove partial overlap or broad definitions.

QA Combinations With Low Recognition Widget

This widget shows you the top 10 user questions that received a low recognition rate with the number of activations.

Answers With Most Negative Feedback Widget

This widget shows you the top 10 Answers with the most negative feedback. There are several drilling options available on the Answers.

Categories With Most Negative Feedback

This widget shows you the top 10 Categories with the most negative feedback. Only Categories containing articles that received negative feedback are shown.

Top Pages Widget for Business Report Details

This widget shows the top Page URLs where interactions took place. The URL as displayed shows only the normalized URL, meaning any information following a # or ? in the URL is stripped.

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