Checklist Ticketshop - Start Selling tickets
To succesfully start selling tickets, it is important to keep the following checklist (some are optional) in mind before start selling tickets.
- Check your event settings:
Is your start and end date correct?
Is the event venue correct? The specific venue will also be illustrated on the ticket layout
Check the activated languages (when activating a language it is expected to add a description for each language in the dashboard)
- Payment methods (which payment methods are your consumers allowed to use?):
Are the correct payment methods activated?
The payment methods can still be adjusted when the ticketsales has started.
- User data & Personalisation data
Which data would you like to receive from your tickets buyers?
We advise to only request data that will be used (so the consumer sees the relevance of entering their data).
Three extra input fields can be added, however these are only free textual input fields.
- Order confirmation email
Customize the order confirmation email
The order confimation email can be customized in the style of your event. Also the text is fully customizable, idea's to add in the text are:
- Direct link to the FAQ's on your website
- Link to a potential up-sell shop (parking, lockers etcetera)
- Check your created tickettypes (please note to do the following steps for each tickettype seperately):
Check if all translations (of all the selected languages) are set up of the title, subtitle and description (if used)
Check if the price is set up correctly
Check if the capacity is set up correctly
Does the ticket have the correct status?
Double the the 'ticket online from' date/time
Check the advanced settings (and if you want to enable them):
- Validity period: when the ticket is valid/can be scanned (if only during a certain time). This can also be set up later in the scanning set up.
- Personalisable: does every ticket need to be personalised? If someone purchases 4 tickets, the information of the other 3 visitors is also requested. Please note this information is requested after the purchase has been completed.
- Enable for guest list: to be able to also send out free tickets of this tickettype through the guest list option
- Tags & External refence: for internal use which are added to any exports of the dashboard
Possibility to upload an image that will be visible in the ticketshop for this specific tickettype
Connect the corresponding ticket layout to the tickettype (see also next step)
- Create the ticket layout & mobile ticket layout
Create a new ticket layout and customize this accordingly
When organising a multiple day event, it is advised to disable to the event date on the ticket layouts. This is always the start date of the event, and can cause confusion if the ticket is not valid for the start date of the event.
Create a new mobile ticket template and customize accordingly:
Connect 'active mobile template for current event'
The Mobile Ticket Layout is always connected to the event (not a specific ticket type), therefore the mobile template is the same for all tickets within an event.
- Adding consents
Privacy & User consent
Marketing consent
When wanting to send out campaigns to your ticket buyers, it is very relevant to let consumers opt-in for a Marketing consent.
- Create a ticket shop
Create 'new' ticketshop
Select the corresponding tickettypes into the ticketshop
Customize shop colours and images:
- Optional: Upsell tickets
If contractual it is defined that upsell tickets (lockers, parking etcetera) have a different service fee, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to adjust this service fee before start selling tickets.
Next to the setting up the ticketshop to start the ticketsales, it is advised to add the following information to your own website to minimize the questions asked:
- Adding the contact information of the CM Tickets Support Service
- Email:
- WhatsApp: +31762012630
- Adding FAQ's to your website
- In case consumers can not find their tickets, they can request a re-send of their order through: