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Dashboard Filters

All dashboards use a number of filters on the right side of the screen.

Filters can either be expanded or collapsed. An expanded filter shows a list of all values that are available to filter on. Click the > next to the filter list to expand or collapse the list.

To change a filter, expand it or hover over the filter and click the pencil icon that appears in the top right. Blue blocks show values that are used to filter with; all interactions using these values are visible in the report. You can also toggle a filter on or off.

Red blocks show values that are filtered out; any interactions using these values are not visible in the report.

When filters on the right of a dashboard are opened, they will show you (a subset of) all the data you have access to for that filter column. Unless it's a dependent filter (like the culture and context are by default dependent on the projectkey). Then you only see the values you have access to, filtered by the filters above it, for the entire period.

Listed below are the regularly available filters you can find in your project.

Project Key, Culture & Context Filter

Project Key: Shows the name of the project you are working on. If you have access to multiple projects, you can select any of them here.

Culture: The language(s) available for a project. By default, the dashboards show data from the language/culture you're logged into. You can use the culture filter to select a specific other language or to view interactions from all languages.

Context: To only see interactions that were logged with a certain context use these filters. Please note that context may not always be logged depending on your settings. By default, these are set to 'Include all'. If the filter is not available as a dashboard filter, there is usually a contexts widget on the dashboard that allows filtering on context. Note that context values that don't match the rules that a context value needs to conform to in the CMS, will be imported into the dashboards as #Invalid#

For contexts especially, inclusive filters will give much more reliable information than exclusive.

Time Period Filter

With this filter, you can select the time period for the report. You can make various selections for the time period you prefer to look at. Depending on the report, this will be per month, per week or per day.

Session Modes Filter

By default, this filter will only show information about the users from your public website.

Session Activity Filter

Sessions are broadly classified by what users have done during their session.

Active users are users who have:

  • asked questions

  • searched for FAQ

  • clicked on dialog options, FAQs or URLs

  • submitted feedback

When the user has only seen events or caused data retrievals (for instance to display FAQs that they then didn't click) they are Inactive users.

The standard dashboards are locked to only show interactions from active users. Some exceptions to this are the FAQs, events and t-dialog dashboards.

Interaction Types Filter

This is really a filter on what kind of Interactions users encountered. By default, all kinds of interactions are included, but you can filter to exclude, for instance, events or data retrievals. In dashboards that count sessions, this will exclude the sessions where users only encountered those kinds of interactions. Most widgets filter out data retrievals by default.

Device Type Filter

Conversational AI Cloud detects, most of the time (if the interaction is through some sort of browser), what device type is used to interact. We can make this information available as a context for answers -- in that case, it is only logged if it makes a difference for the answer. But we also always log this as a property of the session, so it is generally possible to filter on this if the dashboard filter is provided.

ArticleId Filter

All articles in the knowledge base have their own ID. In the content dashboards (Q&A questions, FAQs, events, answers, dialogs) the ArticleID filter allows you to see all the interactions that activated a particular article.

Filter on a Widget's Data

Additionally, there are many parts in widgets that you can select to update all data in a dashboard for just that selection. If you do so, an extra icon will appear at the widget to clear that filter.

For most charts, you can select a particular value by just clicking on the value on the chart. If that particular chart allows filtering, that will filter the dashboard. In pivots (tables) you can right-click on a value. If the pivot allows for filtering the Dashboard, you will have the option to 'Select' a value there.

Please do take care if the pivot has multiple groupings (context and context value, for instance, or classifications and categories). You will only 'select' the value from one column. If that value also occurs for a different value from the other column, you will see that data, too. You should then filter on all columns needed to completely specify the value.

Why Does the Session in Context Widget Show 'No Results'?

Projects come with two standard system context variables that get logged in the dashboards: DeviseOS and DeviceType.

If you want to enable logging for other context values, please send a ticket to support and specify which context values you would like to enable logging for.

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