Definitions and changes
This page provides a comprehensive overview of all metric and general definition changes within the dashboarding of the Mobile Service Cloud. By highlighting these updates, we aim to enhance your understanding and ensure a smooth transition to the newly updated Analytics Portal. Explore the changes to familiarize yourself with the revised terms and metrics, allowing you to make the most of the enhanced dashboard features.
Most impactful changes
Calendar: Analytics Portal uses the ISO calendar system instead of gregorian calendar for better performance analysis.
Timezone: Analytics Portal displays data using specific web-store time zone, as defined in the service hours (not according to viewer time zone).
Channel type: Channel type have been renamed to Conversation type
Activity: The calculation of activity (workload) is now determined on channel level instead of message type level
Activity direction: Introduction of activity direction to support intuitive segmentation and analysis
Internal chat: Internal messages is no longer seen as a separate channel type, but rather seen as activity within a channel.
Phone: Phone (VoIP) and native voice are consider separate channels, but produce the same conversation type
Conversations: Conversations with only internal messages will also be counted as conversations within the supporting channel
SLA %: Will now also be measured for conversations that are started by the agent. This will be based on the First Reply Duration as well.
Missed customers: A customer without any connected calls instead of a single missed call within the selected period is considered as a missed customer
All general definition changes
Click here to find all definition changes
Definition | Tableau | Analytics Portal |
Calendar | In the MSC reports, the Gregorian calendar is used. This means that the week-numbering starts on January 1st (e.g. 2022-01 starts January 1st) instead of continuing on where left off (e.g. 2022-01 starts on January 3rd). This prevents loss of data where January 1st and January 2nd are not included in the first week of 2022. | Analytics Portal uses the ISO calendar system for performance analysis. This system offers standardized and consistent week numbering, facilitating easier international data integration and comparison. It aligns with typical business weeks, improves clarity in weekly comparisons and year-end analysis, and reduces ambiguity, making it especially beneficial for global operations. |
Timezone | In the MSC report, your local timezone is taken into account. The timezone you select for your Service Hours per Webstore are used to convert all times into the appropriate format. This also means that if you have webstores in different parts of the world, all times are converted to their appropriate timezones (if set up correctly in the Service Hours Templates). | Analytics Portal displays data using specific web-store time zone, as defined in the service hours (not according to viewer time zone). If multiple web-stores of one subscription have different service hours, each one will report using its own time zone. |
Period | The allocated period for a metric depends on the channel type. Conversations via Instant and Phone channels are allocated on the day that the conversations started. Semi-Instant and Queued channels are allocated on the days that there was activity | Some metrics help measure the performance of conversations in general. In such cases, values are allocated to the day the conversation started. To measure the performance of agents on a conversation level, values are allocated to the day the agent became involved in a conversation.
Other metrics give insight on workload. Such metrics are allocated to every day with activity.
Channel Type/ Conversation Type | Channel Types.
| Conversation Types The agent Inbox distinguishes between various “Conversation types” which can be classified as “Instant” or “Non-instant”. Conversations that are classified as “Instant” describe conversations for which the customer expects a (near) instantaneous response, for example live chat conversations. To accommodate for customer expectations, “Instant” conversations are treated differently from “non-instant” conversations within the Agent Inbox. Within reporting the following types are distinguished: Instant A conversation will be classified as "Instant" if:
Instant conversations are routed to “Online” agents, with expectation that a reply can be sent shortly. Priority is given to such conversations in the allocated agent’s inbox. Semi-instant (non-instant) A conversation will be classified as "Semi-instant" if:
Semi-instant (Non-instant) conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“, “Offline“ or “Busy“, were no instantaneous reply is expected. Queued (non-instant) A conversation will be classified as "Queued" if:
These conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“, “Offline“ or “Busy“, where delayed inbound and outbound messages are expected. Phone (non-instant) A conversation will be classified as "Phone" if:
These conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“ or “Offline“ for Phone channel, and voice status “Active“ in the case of Native Voice. |
Activity | Channel workload split: How we weigh the messages and conversations in order to be able to accumulate the workload. Live-chat → conversation ( we count the whole conversation as 1 workload item) Phone → conversation ( we count the whole conversation as 1 workload item) E-mail → message (we count each email message as 1 workload item) Contact Form → message Internal Chat → message Other channels (including i.a. Whatsapp → message if one of the "Other channels" is set-up as "Instant" (i.e. Whatsapp) → conversation (when whatsapp is set as Instant, we count the whole conversation as 1 workload item) | Activity is measured per message or per conversation, depending on the channel: → Per message:
→ Per conversation, counting only when some activity is registered on the day:
Reasoning: In Tableau the activity is weighted on message or conversation level depending on the channel configuration. For example, activity in a WhatApp conversation with the inbox channel type offline will be measured on conversation level. In contrast to Tableau, in the Analytics Portal the activity will be measured on the characteristics of a channel Reasoning: The characteristics of a channel do not change when a message is received or sent in offline or online/instant modus. The same effort is needed to write one WhatsApp or Instagram message. Therefore the activity in the Analytics Portal will be measured based on the characteristic of a channel. |
Activity direction | n/a | Inbound, Outbound, or unknown Reasoning: With this feature users will be enabled to segment the insights based on the initiated direction of a conversation. Unknown segment occurs for manually started phone conversations (for logging purposes). For manually started phone conversations, the system cannot identify the activity direction |
Active 15min (quarter) | In MSC, a quarter of an hour is considered as 'active' when an employee has sent a message in that quarter of an hour. | In Agent Inbox Analytics, a quarter of an hour is considered as 'active' when an employee has sent a message in that quarter of an hour. |
Cross channel conversations | are conversations that have more than one different external message channel. | Conversation type Cross Channel exists out of conversations that have more than one different external message channel. |
Internal chat | Internal chat is being presented as a channel (type) | Internal chat is not presented as a channel type |
Phone | Both External Phone Integration (VoIP, Voys) and Native Voice are shown in the Phone Dashboard | At the moment, the Native Voice dashboard is Native Voice-exclusive |
Unwanted emails | n/a | Unwanted conversations are seen as archived. |
All metric definition Changes
Click here to find all metric definition changes
Metric | Tableau | Analytics Portal |
Conversations | Number of conversations with spoken or written conversations | All conversations that had activity within the selected period and are within the configured filters. Difference: In the Analytics Portal, conversations with internal activity are counted to the supporting channel. For example on the second of august, a whatsapp conversation had on that day only internal activity. The conversation will be counted in the analytics portal and showed to the stats of whatsapp conversations. |
Customers Interacted | Metric is called Customers, Number of customers that were active within the selected filters. | Number of customers that were active within the selected filters. |
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Started conversations | Number of conversations started within the selected period. | Number of conversations started within the selected period. |
Earlier started conversations | Number of conversations started before the selected period, but with activity in the period. | Number of conversations started before the selected period, but with activity in the period. |
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Conversations with status Open | Conversations with status “Open”. | Conversations with status “Open” |
Conversations with status Snoozed | Conversations with status “Snoozed”. | Conversations with status “Snoozed” |
Conversations with status Archived | Conversations with status “Archived”. Unwanted emails are considered as Archived. | Conversations with status “Archived” |
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Archived with reaction | Archived conversations having message from an agent to the customer | Number of archived conversations having a message from an agent to the customer. |
Archived without reaction | Conversations that are archived without any CSR ever sending an external reply or conversations that are automatically marked as "Unwanted". | Number of archived conversations without a message from an agent to the customer |
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Internal sent messages | n/a | Number of messages sent by the agent to an internal/external collaborator and registered notes on the conversation. |
External sent messages | n/a | Number of messages sent by the agent to the customer |
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Agent touched conversations | Touched conversations: Conversations that are touched by an agent (having at least one internal or external message sent by the agent). | Number of conversations with some kind of activity by the agent: messages sent to the customer, internal notes and/or external collaboration. |
Conversations with agent reply | n/a | Number of messaging conversations with a reply. A conversation is marked as such after the first outbound activity. Difference: Previously not available |
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Inbound activity | Incoming activity from the shopper/consumer based on Channel Workload Split* (1 email message + 1 chat conversation + 1 phone conversation = 3 Inbound activity). Any form of collaboration is not included in the inbound activity. | Inbound activity* stands for what’s sent in by the customer. Differences are explained in Activity* definition |
Outbound activity | External Agent activity with the shopper/consumer based on Channel Workload Split* (1 email message + 1 chat conversation + 1 phone conversation = 3 Outbound activity). Agent activity in conversations initiated by a shopper/consumer is considered outbound activity as well. For example, a reply to an email conversation initiated by the shopper will be seen as outbound activity. (External) collaboration is not counted as outbound activity, as collaboration is considered an internal process within customer contact centers. | Outbound activity* stands for what’s sent out by the agent Differences are explained in Activity* definition |
Avg. Outbound activity / 15 min. | Average outbound activity per 15 min | Avg. Outbound activity / 15 min. |
Avg. Outbound activity / 8hr day | The average outbound activity per active 15min is converted to the average outbound per workday. For example, an average outbound per active 15min of 2 is equal to an average outbound per workday of 64 ( 2 * 4 * 8) | Derived from the Avg. Outbound activity per active 15 min through multiplying it by 32 (4 quarterlies * 8 hours) |
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Average CRT (Contact Resolution Time) | The duration time of an archived conversation from the first message to the last CSR message | Average duration of an archived conversation, from the first customer message to the last agent one (customer messages sent after last agent message are ignored). |
Average FRT (First Response Time) | First Response Time the time between the first Shopper message and the first CSR reply. | Average time between the first message of an customer and the first message of an agent, in a conversation. For bot conversations, it is the time between the handover to an agent and the first message of an agent. |
% SLA (Service Level Agreement) | Percentage of conversations within the defined SLA times. | Target FRT, defined by customer per web-store and applicable to all channels of it. The SLA sets up expectations for agents and supports performance evaluation. Agent Inbox classifies conversations as “On Time“ (FRT ≤ SLA) or “Too Late“ (FRT > SLA) Difference: SLA will now also be measured for conversations that are started by the agent. This will be based on the First Reply Duration as well. |
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%FCR (First Contact Resolution) | Percentage of conversations answered with 1 CSR message. | Percentage of conversations archived after 1 agent message. |
Avg. ESMPAC (External Sent Messages Per Archived Conversation) | Amount of all messages sent by the CSR in a conversation. Messages that are sent outside of the period filter are also included in the calculation. Conversations are only included if they are archived (not open or snoozed) | Average number of messages sent by agent per archived conversation |
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Total calls | Phone calls with attempts Number of phone calls that are answered and unanswered | The total number of calls using the native voice channel, is called total calls. |
Incoming calls | Inbound calls to the contact center | the calls initiated by an end-consumer are named Incoming calls |
Outgoing calls | Not documented Outgoing calls to the agents | the calls initiated by an agent are named Outgoing calls |
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Connected calls | Not documented Calls that are picked up by the callee and calls that are picked up by the agent | Number of outgoing calls picked up by customer and incoming calls picked up by an agent (while customer is still waiting). |
Missed calls | Initiated calls by the contact center that were not answered by the callee and inbound calls by the contact center that were not answered. | Number of outgoing calls not picked up by customer and incoming calls not picked up by an agent (while customer was waiting). |
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Total customers | Customers The number of customers that called or were called by the contact center | Total customers refer to the unique profiles with incoming or outgoing calls, in a certain period. |
Connected customers | Not available | Connected customers have at least one connected call. |
Missed customers | Customers with unanswered calls: The number of customers that called the contact center but could not speak with an agent in a call. For outgoing calls, it is the number of customers that the contact center could not reach in a call | Missed customers are the customers with no connected calls (in the selected period). Difference: In Tableau, a customer with at least 1 missed call was considered as missed customer. In the Analytics Portal a customer without any connected calls within the selected period is considered as a missed customer |
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Avg. Initial waiting time | Avg. Initial customer waiting time The waiting time in the queue before the caller or customer speaks to the first agent. | Average duration of a native voice call between customer making the call and it being picked up for first time by an agent. This is a valid metric for incoming calls, not for outgoing calls. |
Average call duration | Avg. Talk + Requeue (RQ) time The time that both parties customer and contact center spoke. The time that the customer is put in the queue again will also be added to the duration. | Average duration of a native voice call, between
and disconnection (in general “hang up“, can also be some technical issue that leads to conversation ending). This is a valid metric for incoming and outgoing calls. Difference: More descriptive for additional clarificatation |
Avg. Agent waiting time | The time before the call is picked up by the customer in an outbound call from the contact center. | N/a |
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Order Revenue | Not documented | Value of all orders within a given period |
Order AOV | Not documented | Cumulative value of all orders within a given period, divided by the nr of orders |
Orders with service interaction (pos) | Not documented | Nr of orders that were done after a service interaction |
Conversion (Orders with SI/ Archived with reaction) | Not documented | Nr of conversations allocated to service interaction / Nr of archived conversations with reaction. |
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Return Value | Not documented | Cumulative value of all orders within a given period, that were returned |
Avg. Return Value (ARV) | Not documented | Avg. value of all orders within a given period, that were returned |
Returns with service interaction | Not documented | Nr of all orders within a given period, that were returned |
Return conversion (returns/ conversations) | Not documented | Nr of returns divided by the nr of orders |
Avg. value per conversation ((O-R)/Archived with reaction) | Not documented | Net order value (Orders - Returns) divided by the number of conversations with service interaction |
Avg. value per active 15 min. ((O-R)/Active 15min) | Not documented | Net order value (Orders - Returns) divided per active 15 min. |
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Manually Added | Not documented | Tags that were manually added to a conversation |
Manually deactivated | Not documented | Tags that were manually deactivated from a conversation |
Suggested tag added | Not documented | Tags that were suggested based on triggers |
Suggested tag manually added | Not documented | Tags that were suggested based on triggers, and manually added |
Suggested tag manually deleted | Not documented | Tags that were suggested based on triggers, and manually deleted |
Suggested tag not applied | Not documented | Tags that were suggested based on triggers, but not added, nor deleted |
Automatically added | Not documented | Tags that were automatically added based on triggers |
Automatic tag manually added | Not documented | Tags that were automatically added based on triggers, but deleted and then manually added again. |
Automatic tag deactivated | Not documented | Tags that were automatically added based on triggers, but deleted |