Devices Dashboard
The Devices dashboard provides information on which devices were used to interact with your Intelligent Chatbot. The standard dashboard filters apply.
This dashboard contains three different widgets:
The Devices Mix chart shows the distribution of devices which were used to interact with the Chatbot per week.
The Interaction Types per Device widget shows the distribution of the types of interactions (e.g. Q&A, dialog, or LinkClick) per device type.
The Top Activated Categories per Device table shows on which devices the categories to which the Top 10 activated Q&A/FAQ belong were activated.
Device Type
Conversational AI Cloud uses information from 51degrees to detect the users device type on every interaction.
The definitions are as follows:
Console: Indicates if the device is primarily a game console, such as Xbox or PlayStation
Mobile: *Indicates if the device's primary data connection is wireless and the device is designed to operate mostly by battery power (e.g. mobile phone, smartphone or tablet). **\This property does not indicate if the device is a mobile phone or not
Laptops are not classified as mobile devices under this definitionSmartphone: Indicates if the device can make and receive phone calls, has a screen size greater than or equal to 2.5 inches and less than 7 inches, runs a modern operating system (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, etc.) and is not designed to be wearable technology
Tablet: The device is classified as a tablet if the manufacturer sells the device primarily as a tablet, or if the device is primarily advertised as a tablet and has a screen size equal to or greater than 7 inches
Desktop: Indicates if the device is a desktop or a laptop
Unknown: The device is unknown in the catalog of almost 500.000 devices, or is hidden at the client
These definitions are mutually exclusive. For example, if something is classified as a smartphone, it cannot also be classified as mobile.
Although 51degrees has many more features and can bring a lot of information about specific devices, our implementation and license is currently limited to the general device type. It cannot be refactored easily to provide this additional information for a single project. It would need refactoring, license and be in effect for all projects.
Things to Keep in Mind
Please keep the following things in mind when working with the Devices dashboard:
The DeviceType 'Mobile' is somewhat miscellaneous. This DeviceType is logged when we cannot detect whether a device is a smartphone or a tablet, but do know that the device is battery powered and using a transmitter. It is mutually exclusive with the DeviceTypes smartphone and tablet
A 'Desktop' can also be a laptop computer. The software differences between the two are not significant enough to be detectable
Unknown device types are where Conversational AI Cloud cannot detect any device type. Often this is when a proxy is being used
DeviceType is also available as context, but they are logged independently. If you see it as a context, that context made a difference to the answer of a Q&A, FAQ or dialog. That does not mean that those are the only interactions taking place with that kind of device. The other dashboards have a device type filter separate from the context that you can use to filter on device type