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Dialogs Dashboard

The Dialogs Dashboard has a great deal of information focused on improving the dialogs in your project. Most of the widgets can be sorted several ways depending on what aspect of your data you wish to focus on, and with little to no filtering in the widgets themselves. The default dashboard filters apply, and the dashboard filter is locked to only display information from dialog interactions.

Positive Feedback Widget

Overall % of feedback that was positive. If this is low, you should review the various answers that received negative feedback to improve their effectiveness.

Interaction Link Click % Widget

Overall % of offered links that your users clicked. If this percentage is low, you are either offering links that your users don’t need or it is not clear enough from your answers that these links are useful. Consider emphasizing the purpose of the link in your answer with a Call to Action.

Dialog Completion Widget

Overall % of your users that completed a dialog. If this number is low, you should look at improving the flow or answers of your dialogs.

'Dropouts' is the total number of dialogs that were started, but not finished by the use

Dialog Interactions per Day

Line chart showing the number of dialog start, middle and end interactions per day.

Dialogs Widget

This pivot shows the overall number of the following:

  • Activations

  • Completions

  • % of Dropouts per interaction

  • % of Dropouts per session

  • Link click counts for the dialog

By 'Selecting' a particular dialog from the dialog name column, you'll focus the entire dashboard on this one dialog.

Additionally, you can drill into each dialog for a deeper analysis to view the feedback and interactions by right clicking on the dialog name. Here you have the following options to drill into:

  • Dialog to Feedback - lets you take a closer look at the provided feedback of the selected dialog or node

    • Positive/Negative

    • Score

    • Label

  • Dialog to Node Interactions - lets you drill down to particular aspects of one dialog, in the given pivot and can be drilled in further to view interactions for specific nodes

    • Dialog ID

    • Dialog Node ID

    • Dialog Start Node Name

    • Dialog Path

  • Go to the Diagram - opens a pop-up with a diagram of the dialog flow

Go to Diagram and Nodes

'Go to Diagram And Nodes' will open a pop-up containing the dialog diagram as laid out in Conversational AI Cloud with information about your dialog flow, and a pivot with information about each particular node of the dialog.

Scroll down in the pop-up window below the diagram to view the pivot table for all of the individual dialog nodes.

In the diagram, the intensity of the blue color represents how often a node has been activated. By hovering over a start or middle node, you can also see how many users dropped out at this node. You can drag around the nodes to rearrange them for better readability.

The dialog nodes pivot below the diagram gives an overview of the number of activations, link in answer, link clicks and feedback for each node. Here you can drill into the node name to view the feedback and interactions.


If you have recently adjusted your dialog in Conversational AI Cloud, only the most recent diagram and set of nodes will be represented here.

Extremely large dialogs may not be displayed this way in the dashboard. If your dialog flow is so large that it cannot be displayed in your dashboard, you may want to consider splitting your large dialog into multiple smaller dialogs.

How to View Catchall Node Interactions

If you have a dialog that uses catchall nodes, you can view the interactions that triggered the catchall in the dialogs dashboard. Viewing these interactions can be used to improve recognition of your dialog by adding additional questions to dialog nodes.

Follow these steps to view the interactions on a catchall node:

  1. Go to the dialogs dashboard

  2. Drill into the diagram and nodes

  3. Once the diagram has loaded, scroll down to the dialogs nodes widget table below the diagram

  4. Right click on a catchall from the "node name" column and select "Articles to Answers > Interaction Value"

Dialogs Activated by Other Dialogs

With this widget, you can see which dialogs were activated by other dialogs.

When you hover over one of the dialogs, you can see the interaction count. Once you select a dialog from the graph, the widgets above will be updated and you can use the drill in options to further analyze the relation between the dialogs.


How to View Dialog and Dialog Nodes Interactions

You can drill into dialogs to view the interactions for the entire dialog, or individual nodes.

View interactions for the entire Dialog:

  1. Right click on a dialog

  2. Select 'Interaction Value'

View interaction for Dialog Nodes:

  1. Right click on a dialog name

  2. Depending on the way you want to view the interactions, you can select dialog node ID, dialog node name, dialog start node name or dialog path

  3. Select 'Interaction Value' to view the interactions for the selected node


Using the Context Filter on the Dialogs Dashboard

To filter dialogs by context, first change the context filter.

If no interactions took place on the selected context filter(s), no results will show.

Additionally, if you've drilled into a particular dialog to view the diagram and change the context filter, you will also need to update the dialog name filter.

Calculating Dialog Dropouts

Projects that do not enable users to step-back in a dialog will have a more accurate dropout analysis. Most projects use a step-back button which is less accurate but more user-friendly.

Calculating Dialog Dropouts

When calculating dropouts on an Interaction basis, you should take step-back button clicks into account. These make it possible for a user to go back to the start node and then fail to finish the dialog a second time. In this case, it is also possible to finish a dialog multiple times while only starting it once. For this reason, a session-based dropout% is more accurate for the performance of the dialog. However, in order to analyze step-back button usage, you may still want to also look into interaction-based dropouts.

Why does the end node have more activations than start node?

If your dialogs have been set up in the front end to allow users to freely navigate back and forth within a dialog, you might notice an end node having more activations than the start node.

How can I get a more accurate number for the dropouts analysis?

In the table of the dialogs dashboard, the %Dropout (Interaction Based) is showing you the dropout rate as calculated by the numbers in the dialog flow diagram. This can, therefore, be a negative number. To correct for that, the % dropouts (session-based) is a more accurate number to use for your dropout analysis, as this tells you how many sessions (roughly the same as 'users' in this sense) resulted in a dialog dropout.

What Does the Exclamation Mark in the Dialog Path Mean?

An exclamation mark in the dialog path means that a particular node is an end node – the exclamation mark indicates that the path through this particular dialog has ended.


Activated Dialog Filter

In the dashboard filters, the 'activated dialog' filter is related to the widget 'dialogs activated by other dialogs'. If you don't see any results when filtering on 'activated dialog', it's because the dialog you filtered on was not activated by any other dialog at any point during the selected time period.

The activated dialog filter does not filter the dashboard to all interactions for a particular dialog. To filter on all interactions for a particular dialog, use the 'dialog name' filter.

E-learning Video

Below you can find a video on how you can work with the Dialog Dashboard in Conversational AI Cloud.

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