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Different building blocks of an email campaign


After reading this article you'll know the different campaign settings & building blocks in the e-mail campaigns.

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1.0 Campaign settings
1.1 Campaign name = This is internal name that is only shown on the platform for your own overview. For example, Newsletter July 2023.
1.2 Subject = The subject of the mail
1.3. Sender address = This is the sender address that the email is send from. Please note that when recipients respond to the email that it will be send to this email address. If you cannot select anything here, double check if your domain is already verified underneath the section ‘Verified domains’
1.4. Sender name = This is the name that will be shown to the recipient next to the email address.
1.5. Address list = You can select address list from the address book or a synchronized segment.
1.6. Tags = internal use specifically useful for filtering withing emailcampaigns. For example, you can give all your newsletter campaigns the tag 'newsletter' so you can easily filter on all of these campaigns.
1.7. Preview text = the recipient will see this text below the subject in the notification or preview of the email, If you fill this, the recipient will see the text that you have written here, otherwise this will be the first 150 characters of the email.
1.8. You can schedule the e-mail campaign and schedule the campaign.

2.0 Design
In the design tab you'll find content, rows & settings.

2.1 Settings
The general settings of your email, such as background color, font etc.

2.2 Rows
You can drag & drop different rows in your e-mail. In the squares you can put different kind of content. This way you make your mail more playful

2.3 Content
2.3.1. This is the design menu, here you can select the different features to optimize your email campaign. You can add text blocks, images, videos, dividers and social buttons.
2.3.2. In the content tab you can select the different features your email campaign should contain. Below is more explanation about the content all the content features are optional and not required. In the rows tab you can select the different lay-outs of the design. In the settings tab you can select some general settings for the complete mail, such as background colour. In the steps below the different content features are explained.
2.3.3. Textbox: With this content feature you can write as much as you want in your email campaign. Here you can also personalize the message with for example the first name. In our example of sending a birthday message, we wish the recipient a happy birthday.
2.3.4. Image: Here you can insert an image in your email campaign. In this example we use a logo. When uploaded, it is possible to enlarge the picture or a link to a website if you click on the image.
2.3.5. Button: The button can be used for certain actions such as: open web page, send email, make call and send sms. In the example it is used to go to the website with a birthday present for the recipient. With a button you can also measure the click through rate, as you want to know if your campaign is successfully or not.
2.3.6. Divider: With a divider you create white space between content elements. In this example it is a line, but you can also create a blank space or a dotted line.
2.3.7. Social: With the social icons you can link your audience to your social media channels. In this example we use the four biggest social media platforms. You can also link other or custom channels.
2.3.8. HTML: Insert custom HTML. Please be aware only use this if you are experienced with HTML programming. In this example this feature is not used.
2.3.9. Video: In email campaigns it is possible to send a video. You can insert a YouTube or Vimeo link. In the example we send a birthday video.
2.3.10. Before you close the page always save your campaign with the save button. Please ensure that you give your campaign at least a name at the Campaign settings so you can recognize it.


3.0 Text version

This is the fallback text version of your email campaigns. After you have created your design, click the refresh button in the top right corner so it automatically creates the text version.

4.0 Advanced
Enabling the Google Analytics toggle will add a number of UTM tags to the links in your email campaign to allow for extensive tracking across your campaigns and landing pages. We will add the following tags: Source (, Medium (email), Campaign (name of Campaign) and MailID (the unique identifier of the email sent to a specific recipient.

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