Document visibility in the Sign application
Document retention in Sign by varies based on how the dossier was sent and whether the Archive feature is activated. Here’s a breakdown:
Dossiers sent via the dashboard
Validity: Standard validity is 90 days from the date the Sign request is sent. After this period, the dossier expires and can no longer be signed.
Extension: Before expiration, the dossier can be extended by 30 days. The dossier owner will receive a notification if an extension is possible.
Post-extension: After 30 additional days (if not extended again), the dossier is retained for another 45 days. After this period, the dossier is permanently deleted from our systems.
Dossiers sent via the API
Validity: Standard validity is 30 days, but customers can set a validity period between 1 and 90 days.
Post-expiration: After the validity period, the dossier is kept for 45 days and then deleted from our systems.
Archive Feature
If the Archive is activated (available for both Dashboard and API customers):
Pending: Documents remain in pending status until the set validity period expires. After expiration, they are kept for 45 days before being deleted.
Completed: Completed documents are shown in the overview until they expire. Once a document expires, it is immediately moved to the archive.
Declined: Documents in a declined state are retained for 45 days post-expiration and then deleted, not archived.
Note: All signed documents and audit reports are sent also to you via email, providing you with a copy. Additionally, you can save documents in the Sign archive if needed.