Embedded signup
CM.com uses embedded signup to onboard businesses on the WhatsApp Business Platform and allow you to create your own WhatsApp Business account.
What is the benefit of Embedded Sign-Up?
Embedded Signup reduces onboarding time from days to minutes by simplifying the process and having all the steps (i.e., connecting WhatsApp Business Manager accounts, creating WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs), verifying phone numbers) in a single flow.
With Embedded Signup, you own the WhatsApp Business Account(s) and grant their Business Solution Providers direct access to them. This account model allows you to see the WhatsApp Business Accounts in thee WhatsApp Business Manager and seamlessly integrate with other Meta experiences, such as Ads that Click to WhatsApp.
Before you can start with WhatsApp and embedded signup, there are three prerequisites:
- You have a Meta Business Manager account
- You have a phone number (not in use) and are able to receive an one-time password via text message or phone call
- Signed contract with CM.com.
Meta Business Manager
A Meta Business Manager is necessary to start the Embedded signup onboarding. This tool helps you manage the permissions of all your assets, such as your Facebook page, Instagram page or WhatsApp Business Manager.
There are 3 steps you need to take:
- Create an account to add your business information and confirm your identity
- Connect your assets linked to your business and give access to trusted people
- Start the business verification process by going to the Security centre
Please find more information about creating a Meta Business Manager account here.
Phone number
You need to have a phone number to start working with WhatsApp for Business. This needs to be a phone number which is not in use and where you have access to for receiving the one-time password.
If you do not have a phone number, please contact your CM.com point of contact to enable one to start with WhatsApp for Business!
You log in into your account on CM.com and navigate towards ‘Channels’. In Channels, you can add a new channel and you choose 'WhatsApp'.
Step 1 – Select Embedded signup to start the onboarding.
You need to have a Meta Business Manager and a phone number. Make sure you have access to both and proceed to the next screen. Enter your contact information and start the Embedded signup onboarding.
Step 2 - Start of the Embedded signup dialog
Please log in with the credentials linked to the Meta Business Manager. It will ask you to continue to give CM.com permission to send out messages.
Step 3 – Link Business Manager or create a new Business Manager account
You get the option to select an existing Business Account or create a new one. For creating a new Business Account, it is required to provide some information about the business. If you select an existing one, the information is visible but can’t be changed.
Step 4 - Create or select a WABA
After linking an existing or creating a Business Manager, it is time to create a WhatsApp Business Account. This account is necessary to store your WhatsApp profiles and contain your business information.
The process for adding or selecting a new WABA/phone profile is standardized, and the same for both scenarios. From this screen, you have the following options:
- Create a new WABA and profile
- Select an existing WABA and create a new profile
- Select an existing WABA and profile
The flow will always begin similarly regardless of which option the user selects.
Please provide the right information for your business. The business description and website field are optional.
4.1 - Select an existing WhatsApp Business Account and creating a new profile
When selecting an existing WABA, you can only edit the phone profile field for the business. For the WhatsApp profile, you need to create a WhatsApp business display name and category of the business.
If you press on ‘Show more options’, you can also fill in a business description and the website of the business. Your customers will see this when they press on your profile in WhatsApp.
4.2 - Select an existing WhatsApp Business Account and existing profile
You can select an existing WhatsApp Business Account and existing WhatsApp profile. You can not change the information in this dialog, but in the WhatsApp Manager.
4.3 - Create a new WhatsApp Business Account and create a new WhatsApp profile
You can create a new WhatsApp Business Account and WhatsApp profile in this dialog.
You need to create a WhatsApp Business Account name (which is not visible for your end-users.
The WhatsApp Business display name is the name your end-users will see. Please make sure your display name is according to the guidelines.
The business description and website are optional to fill in.
Step 5 – Verify the phone number
Once you have created or selected a WhatsApp Business Account and profile, you need to perform an one-time password. This one-time password is necessary to verify the ownership of the phone number. Please make sure you can receive the one-time password.
Are you not receiving a one-time password? Please contact your point of contact at CM.com for help.
Step 6 - Next steps
You now have successfully onboarded yourself on WhatsApp! To finalize all the information we need from you, navigate to ‘Channels’.
The WhatsApp profile needs to be enriched with more information in Channels before it can be launched. To launch a WhatsApp profile which has been onboarded with Embedded Sign up, you go to Channels where a banner will stimulate the activation of the profile.
There might be a possibility that a CM.com employee needs to approve your onboarding. Please contact your point of contact when this is the case.