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Facebook Messenger

⚠️Please get in touch with your Account Manager for more help getting started with this integration.

For Facebook Messenger the following functions are covered:

  • Text, Dialog, and T-dialogs

  • Bold, and italic text formatting

  • Media support

  • Standardized integration with Conversational AI Cloud's Mobile Service Cloud

Facebook Formatting:

  • Character limit of 2000 characters

  • Placing a linebreak (single enter) will cause the answer to be split into separate chat bubbles

  • A word can not have multiple markdown styling formats, e.g. you can not have a word be both bold, and italic

  • Tables are not supported

  • Only images of the MIME type image/SVG are not supported for our Facebook integration

  • Media can not exceed 25MB

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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