FAQs Dashboard
This dashboard has a great deal of information focused on improving the FAQs in your project. Most of the widgets can be sorted several ways depending on what aspect of your data you wish to focus on, and with little to no filtering in the widgets themselves. The default dashboard filters apply, but the dashboard is locked to only show FAQClick and FAQSearch interactions.
You can find the following widgets on this dashboard:
Positive Feedback Widget
Overall % of feedback that was positive. If you want to increase this percentage, you should review the various answers that received negative feedback to improve their effectiveness. You could also look at which questions caused the person asking them to give negative feedback. Consider adding or amending articles that answer those questions.
Interaction Link Click % Widget
Overall % of offered links that your users clicked. If this percentage is low, you are either offering links that your users don’t need or it is not clear enough from your answers that these links are useful. Consider emphasizing the purpose of the link in your answer with a call to action.
Individual FAQ Click % Widget
Average % of times any given FAQ was clicked compared to it being shown. Conversational AI Cloud can and usually does display many FAQs during a single session, including displaying the same FAQ multiple times on different interactions within a session. So this number will be significantly lower than the KPI FAQ Click %, which is calculated on a Session level and does not look at specific FAQs.
KPI FAQ Click % Widget (Sessions)
This is the same metric as reported on the KPI overview dashboard, over the selected date range. Unlike the individual FAQ Click% above, this counts the number of sessions where any FAQ was clicked/offered.
Interactions per Day for FAQs Widget
Line chart showing the number of FAQClick and FAQSearch interactions.
Top FAQ Clicks Widget
This shows your FAQ, by default sorted by the most clicked to least, and provides information about the clicked Links and feedback received on each FAQ Answer.
It also shows how often the FAQ was displayed, either through FAQ searches or because it was retrieved due to a related FAQ on an article or in an FAQ module, and a %Clicked for each of these FAQs. If your FAQs are index-able and/or have the option for direct links, it is still possible to 'Click' an FAQ without ever retrieving it from Conversational AI Cloud, which may in some cases mean there are FAQs with a %Clicked higher than 100%.
Top FAQ Searches Widget
This widget shows the terms people used to find your FAQ, in FAQ search interactions either directly or to relate to an article. In the latter case, this list is a duplication of the top questions, this time sorted on occurrence.
The FAQs found column indicates how many different FAQ could be matched to this question.
Top Dialogs Started by FAQs
With this widget you can see which dialogs were started by FAQs. When you click on one of the dialogs, the other widgets in the dashboard will be updated.