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Welcome to the glossary page for the Agent Inbox advanced analytics. These notes serve as clarification and explanation of the terms and abbreviations as used in the dashboards. Besides, these notes provides in-depth insight into the underlying calculations of various measures. If there are still uncertainties after reading the notes, or if something is missing in the notes, contact your Customer Success Manager. The Customer Success Manager is happy to provide any additional explanation on the dashboards.

Conversation Types

The agent Inbox distinguishes between various “Conversation types” which can be classified as “Instant” or “Non-instant”. Conversations that are classified as “Instant” describe conversations for which the customer expects a (near) instantaneous response, for example live chat conversations. To accommodate for customer expectations, “Instant” conversations are treated differently from “non-instant” conversations within the Agent Inbox. Within reporting the following types are distinguished:


A conversation will be classified as "Instant" if:

- It uses a messaging channel that is configured to be treated as instant, and

- Upon first inbound message, there’s an agent available with status “Online”.

Instant conversations are routed to “Online” agents, with expectation that a reply can be sent shortly. Priority is given to such conversations in the allocated agent’s inbox.


Semi-instant (non-instant)

A conversation will be classified as "Semi-instant" if:

- It uses a messaging channel that is not configured to be treated as instant, or

- It uses a messaging channel that is configured to be treated as an instant but,

- Upon first inbound message, there’s no agents available with status “Online“.

Semi-instant (Non-instant) conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“, “Offline“ or “Busy“, were no instantaneous reply is expected.


Queued (non-instant)

A conversation will be classified as "Queued" if:

- It uses the E-mail or Contact Form channels.

These conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“, “Offline“ or “Busy“, where delayed inbound and outbound messages are expected.


Phone (non-instant)

A conversation will be classified as "Phone" if:

- It uses the phone channel (to log VoIP events).

- It uses the Native Voice channel

These conversations are routed to agents with status “Online“ or “Offline“ for Phone channel, and voice status “Active“ in the case of Native Voice. 


Analytics Portal displays data using specific web-store time zone, as defined in the service hours (not according to viewer time zone). If multiple web-stores of one subscription have different service hours, each one will report using its own time zone.

Some metrics help measure the performance of conversations in general. In such cases, values are allocated to the day the conversation started. To measure the performance of agents on a conversation level, values are allocated to the day the agent became involved in a conversation:

  • Average FRT (First Response Time)
  • % within SLA
  • Average CRT (Contact Resolution Time)
  • % FCR (First Contact Resolution)

Other metrics give insight on workload. Such metrics are allocated to every day with activity:

  • Inbound Activity Net
  • Outbound Activity
  • CWR (Conversations with reply)
  • Average ESMPAC (External Sent Messages Per Archived Conversation)

Unwanted conversations: Unwanted conversations are seen as archived.

Conversations: All conversations that had written or spoken activity within the selected period and are within the configured filters.

Started conversations: Number of conversations started within the selected period.

Earlier started conversations: Number of conversations started before the selected period, but with activity in the period.

External Sent messages: Number of messages sent by the agent to the customer.

Internal sent messages: Number of messages sent by the agent to an internal/external collaborator and registered notes on the conversation.

Conversations with status Open.

Conversations with status Snoozed.

Conversations with status Archived.

Agent touched conversations: Number of conversations with some kind of activity by the agent: messages sent to the customer, internal notes and/or external collaboration.

Conversations with reply:

Number of messaging conversations with a reply. A conversation is marked as such after the first outbound activity.

  • Conversations initiated by agent → excluded
  • Conversations initiated via phone → excluded
  • Active conversations → included
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Internal channel and external collaboration → n/a
  • Allocated period → any day with inbound/outbound activity
  • Allocated agent → n/a

Archived with reaction: Number of archived conversations having a message from an agent to the customer.

Archived without reaction: Number of archived conversations without a message from an agent to the customer.

Customers interacted: Number of customers that were active within the selected filters.

Avg External Messages: Average external sent messages per archived conversation.

Average ESMPAC (External Sent Messages Per Archived Conversation):

Average number of messages sent by agent per archived conversation.

  • Conversations initiated by agent → included
  • Active conversations → excluded
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → every day with activity on specific conversation
  • Allocated agent → n/a

Inbound and Outbound Activity:

Inbound activity stands for what’s sent in by the customer.

BI reports on:

Inbound activity Net = Inbound activity - archived conversations with no agent message - “unwanted” conversations

  • Conversations initiated by agent → included
  • Active conversations → included
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → any day where customer sends a message on a specific conversation
  • Allocated agent → n/a

Outbound activity stands for what’s sent out by the agent.

  • Conversations initiated by agent → included
  • Active conversations → included
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → any day where agent sends a message on a specific conversation
  • Allocated agent → agent who sends the message

Activity is measured per message or per conversation, depending on the channel:

→ per message:

- E-mail

- Contact Form

- Cross-channel

→ per conversation, counting only when some activity is registered on the day:

- Chat

- Messaging

- Voice

- Custom channels

Active 15min:

In Agent Inbox Analytics, a quarter of an hour is considered as 'active'

when an employee has sent a message in that quarter of an hour.

Avg. Outbound activity per active 15 min.

Avg. Outbound activity per 8hr: Derived from the Avg. Outbound activity per active 15 min through multiplying it by 32 (4 quarterlies * 8 hours)

% SLA (Service Level Agreement):

Target FRT, defined by customer per web-store and applicable to all channels of it.

The SLA sets up expectations for agents and supports performance evaluation.

Agent Inbox classifies conversations as “On Time“ (FRT ≤ SLA) or “Too Late“ (FRT > SLA).

BI reports use this classification to define % within SLA:

  • Conversations initiated by agent → Included
  • Active conversations → included
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded (SLA “Unknown“)
  • Allocated period → day conversation started
  • Allocated agent → first agent to reply to customer on conversation

The actual FRT is unknown but only service hours are considered in the SLA calculation. E.g.:

- service hours: 9h - 17h

- SLA: 30min

- first inbound message: 16h55

- first outbound message: 9h10 (following day)

- FRT = 15min < SLA → On Time

% FCR (First Contact Resolution):

Percentage of conversations archived after 1 agent message.

  • Conversations initiated by agent → excluded
  • Active conversations → excluded
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → day conversation started
  • Allocated agent → first agent to reply to customer on conversation

Average FRT (First Response Time):

Average time between the first message of an customer and the first message of an agent, in a conversation.

For bot conversations, it is the time between the handover to an agent and the first message of an agent.

  • Conversations initiated by agent → Included
  • Active conversations → included
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → day conversation started
  • Allocated agent → first agent to reply to customer on conversation

Average CRT (Contact Resolution Time):

Average duration of an archived conversation, from the first customer message to the last agent one (customer messages sent after last agent message are ignored).

  • Conversations initiated by agent → excluded
  • Active conversations → excluded
  • Conversations archived with no message from agent or flagged as unwanted → excluded
  • Allocated period → day conversation started
  • Allocated agent → all agents to reply to customer on conversation

Average initial waiting time:

Average duration of a native voice call between customer making the call and it being picked up for first time by an agent.

This is a valid metric for incoming calls, not for outgoing calls.

Average call duration:

Average duration of a native voice call, between:

  • being picked up for first time by an agent (incoming calls), or
  • being picked by an customer (outgoing calls),

and disconnection (in general “hang up“, can also be some technical issue that leads to conversation ending).

This is a valid metric for incoming and outgoing calls.

Total, incoming and outgoing calls:

The total number of calls using the native voice channel, is called Total calls.

Of these, the calls initiated by an end-consumer are named Incoming calls and the calls initiated by an agent are named Outgoing calls.

Connected calls:

Number of outgoing calls picked up by customer and incoming calls picked up by an agent (while customer is still waiting).

Missed calls:

Number of outgoing calls not picked up by customer and incoming calls not picked up by an agent (while customer was waiting).

Total, Connected and Missed customers:

Total customers refer to the unique profiles with incoming or outgoing calls, in a certain period.

Connected customers have at least one connected call.

Missed customers are the customers with no connected calls (in the selected period).

Calls per customer:

Number of incoming and/or outgoing calls per customer. These are connected and missed calls, combined.

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