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Guide to Events

This guide will help you learn how to work with events in Conversational AI Cloud.

Create a New Event

Anyone with access to the events screen can create an event. However, they won't function until your developer has implemented some logic in the front end. 

Follow these steps to create an event: 

  1. In the Events screen, click the add icon "+"
  2. Add a name and desription for the event  
  3. Your event must have at least one answer. You can also use a dialog or transactional dialog with your event
  4. Scroll to the top of the editor and click "Save"
  5. Ask your Developer to implement the event in the front end (see developer documentation)

Naming Convention

Event names can only contain 256 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores (_) and/or hyphens (-) and no spaces.

The event name should indicate its purpose. For example:

  • onLoad: events which load on a page (before any customer interactions)
  • Exception: events that activate before an interaction has been fully processed 
  • Escalation: events that activate because of the result of other interactions in Conversational AI Cloud

Editing and Deleting Events

⚠️ Use caution when editing or deleting events!

Once an event has been created and its logic was added to the project, you should never change the name of the event or delete the event. Doing so can break the logic that makes the event work. If you need to do this, always check first with party responsible for the front end implementation of your project. 

All the created events will be visible in Conversational AI Cloud in the events screen where you can edit their outputs. As with normal articles, it’s also possible to add context or additions to your events. This is useful for example, if you want the event to show a different answer for users who are logged-in or want to use a page push.

To edit or delete an event, click on the more options icon and select one of the options. 

Some changes to events cannot be implemented within Conversational AI Cloud and will need to be done by a Front End Developer, such as Exception Events.

Request Event Logic

After you've created your Event, you will need logic to make the event work!

Always create the event in Conversational AI Cloud before asking your Developer to implement them. This will ensure that there is no room for error when your Developer builds the logic that is needed for the event.

View related Developer documentation here.

Test Event

Follow these steps to trigger your event from the Test panel

  1. Select the "Test" button at the bottom right of the screen
  2. Select an event from the "Trigger event" drop-down box 

If you are testing an event with context, select this first before triggering the event.

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