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How do I change the publish settings for my project?

​Under project settings you can manage how and when your project is published with the following settings:

  • Publishing enabled: This toggle will enable or disable the ability to publish a project from the CMS
  • Automatic publishing: This toggle will enable or disable only automatic publishing for your project
  • Publish schedule: Choose the time at which you would like your project to be automatically published. All times here are in Coordinated Universal Time
  • Publish environment: Choose whether to publish to the staging or production (or both) environments. This applies for both manual and automatic publishing unless you specify otherwise when manually publishing your project from the CMS

Note: When automatic publishing is disabled, it's important that you publish your project at least once so that your dashboard data contains information related to your FAQ's and dialogs.

If you make any changes to your project’s publish settings, be sure to click the “Update settings” button at the bottom of the settings page to save your changes:


Below you find a video about the Publication Feature in Conversational AI Cloud.

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