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How do I configure a Voys (VoIP) integration?


T​his card contains a step-by-step guide for connecting Voys Freedom


  1. Log in to Voys Freedom:

  2. Click on the menu option: “Beheer”.

  3. Click on “Gespreksnotificaties”, this option can be found under “Integraties”.

  4. Click on “Toevoegen”.

  5. Enter a description at “Beschrijving”, for example: “ROBIN Voys integratie”.

  6. Choose at “Pakket”, choose for“Aangepast”.

    1. Enter the following at “Web hook URL”:{apikey}?provider=voipgrid

    2. Replace {apikey} with your ROBIN API key.

  7. Confirm the settings by clicking on the “Opslaan” button.

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