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How do I configure and effectively use advanced triggers?

Advanced triggers are a bit more complicated to set up because it adds the possibility to route conversations to specific agents based on keywords. These triggers can also be set up in multiple layers, each layer increasing the importance of the trigger.

Capacity threshold

The capacity threshold can be used to indicate a number of conversations that have to be in the team inbox before the routing will keep in mind an agents' workload.

To clarify how this works an example:

  • Agent A has the maximum skill level for the found keywords and currently has 10 conversations in his inbox.

  • Agent B has an average skill level for the found keywords and currently has 0 conversations in his inbox.

For this example the outcome will differ depending on the settings for the capacity threshold, let's say the team currently has a total inbox of 52 conversations:

  • Capacity threshold set to 50, this means when routing a conversation the workload will be included when routing. The conversation will in this case be routed to Agent B, since the difference in the workload makes up for the difference in the set skill levels.

  • Capacity threshold set to 250, this means when routing a conversation the workload will not be included when routing. The conversation will in this case be routed to Agent A, since the workload is not included only the skill level will determine the routing.


Keywords can be quite tricky, there's a few things to keep in mind when setting up the keywords:

  • If the keyword is part of a longer word, the trigger will still fire (e.g. the keyword 'fire' will also trigger if the message contains 'fireplace')

  • White spaces in keywords are respected (e.g. the keyword 'fire place' will only trigger if the space is present in the message, so 'fireplace' will not trigger this keyword)


With the Tagging section you can assign a tag to be automatically assigned to conversations that trigger on one of the configured keywords.

After selecting a tag you can determine to probability of it being assigned, setting it to the max will assure the tag is added, however if you set it lower the tag will instead of being automatically assigned be given as an opt-in suggestion to the agent.


Compared to the rule based triggers advanced triggers have an additional option next to routing a conversation to the 'unwanted box' or archive, advanced triggers also have the option to route a conversation to a specific agent.

To route to a personal inbox, set the action to 'Personal inbox', this will give you the possibility to add team members to the trigger. Each added team member will get a 'skill level' which can be set using the slider, setting the slider all the way to the right indicates the user is the most suitable user for the incoming conversation, this is kept in mind when assigning the incoming conversation to an agent, in combination with their current workload the skill level will determine which agent is best suited to receive the conversation.

Multi level triggers

With advanced triggers it's possible to create triggers on 3 different levels. This gives the user the possibility to assign the correct agent in even greater detail. Nested triggers will only be trigger when keywords from the previous layer have also been found.

In order to to clarify how this is set up you can refer to the examples below.

First layer trigger (parent):

This is the first layer in the trigger which looks for the word 'product' in order to automatically tag the conversation and assign it to the most knowledgeable agent.

Second layer trigger (child):

This is the second layer trigger, which is only triggered for messages that also contain keywords configured on the parent trigger.

Third layer trigger (grandchild)

This is the third layer trigger, which is only triggered for conversations that also contain keywords configured on the parent and child trigger.


Let's say a customer has previously ordered a product and sends in the following email:


My hat has a hole in it, I've purchased the product last week from your website. What is your return policy?

Kind regards,

John Doe

The first layer will trigger due to the word 'product', which would indicate Kevin is the most knowledgeable agent. However the second layer will also be triggered due to the word 'Hat', this will indicate Andre might be better suited to handle this question. The third layer will lastly be triggered due to the word 'Hole', because it's now no longer a product question, but a question about returning an item. This means Io is the most knowledgeable agent and will be assigned the conversation.

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