How do I configure and use the conversation templates?
Settings clear expectations to your customers is very important within customer care. That is why the Agent Inbox facilitates tailored responses to various conversational scenarios. In order to make it easy to handle customers with care at scale, conversation templates can be used to define auto-replies to customers under various circumstances.
Various sections within the conversational templates settings are defined to accomodate for the characteristics and situation within which tailor the responses to the customer interactions are required. The two main characteristics that define which template and or response is used are explained in the section below.
Native chat vs Messaging channels
The fields with titles relating to Widget (e.g. Offline mode widget) and Rating (e.g. Response after rating) are conversation templates that service the scenario's in which customers interact with the native chat widget. For every scenario, Online, offline etc, a specific response or text can be replied to tailor the expience to the scenario.
The fields with titles relating to Messaging channels (e.g. Instant channel mode messaging channels) are conversation templates that service the scenario's in which customers interact trough one of the available messaging channels (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook/instagram messaging, Web conversations, Viber, Text (sms), RCS, Apple business chat etc).
Instant vs non-instant (online/offline)
Once a conversation new conversation is created within on of the above mentioned channels, the status of agents within the given webstore is also of importance. Because, if the conversation is router to a webstore in which agents are online (and thus available for instant conversations), then the "Online/Instant-mode" templates are used. If no agents are online, but offline or away, then the "Offline/non-instant" templates responses will be used.
Native chat template settings
Template name:
As you might expect, the name of the conversation template, this will be shown in the dropdown menu for selecting a template in the web store settings.
Custom stylesheet url:
When the customer has a custom design made, this field will be used to enter the form.css URL. This URL contains a CSS file with the styling for the chat widget.
Anonymous chat:
When enabled, the customer will not be asked to enter their details before starting a new chat conversation. This will mean the agent has no name, phone number and e-mail address available in the customer profile. Customers will be given a randomly generated number.
ASK for subject:
When enabled, a new input will appear, enabling the client to enter a predefined selection of subjects. When left empty, the customer will have the option to enter a subject manually, this field can not be set as required.
Native chat template texts
Offline mode widget:
Determines the text for the widget when no agent has an online presence.
Form title:
The main title displayed in the widget header.
Introduction text:
The text displayed as when the customer first opens the widget.
Response after message:
The confirmation message returned when the customer's conversation is created in MSC.
Online mode widget:
Form title:
The main title displayed in the widget header.
Introduction text:
The text displayed as when the customer first opens the widget.
Response after message:
The confirmation message returned when the customer's conversation is created in MSC.
Waiting message:
A message sent when the customer has been waiting for the set amount of time, keeping them updated on the situation.
Show after: determines after how many seconds of no answer the set message is sent.
Not available message:
A second message sent when the customer has been waiting for the set amount of time, keeping them updated on the situation.
Show after: determines after how many seconds of no answer the set message is sent.
Response when chat is forwarded:
Only used when personal avatar has been enabled in Contact tab
When the status of the agent displayed in the contact tab is no longer available due to a status change between opening the widget and sending the first message, the message will thus arrive with a different agent. This message will be sent to the customer in order to inform them of the change in agents.
Response when nobody can answer the chat:
When the status of all agents has been changed to a status with no online presence, this message will be sent to the customer, advice would be to ask the customer to leave contact information in order to get an answer through a different channel.
Response after rating:
When user rates answer with
The response given when the customer rates the conversation with a positive rating.
When user rates answer with
The response given when the customer rates the conversation with a neutral rating.
When user rates answer with
The response given when the customer rates the conversation with negative rating.

Messaging channel template texts
Instant channel mode messaging channels
Determines the auto-reply text when at least one agent has an online presence AND has not reached its max instant conversations theshold.
Not available message
Determines the auto-reply message that is sent to the customer after the set nr of seconds has pased since the customer initiation of the conversation.
non-instant mode messaging channels
Determines the auto-reply text when no agent has an online presence.