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How do I configure and use the service hours template?


T​his articles describes the available settings within the service hours template, explaining what the different fields do and how to configure them.


T​emplate name:

A​s you might expect, the name of the service hours template, this will be shown in the dropdown menu for selecting a template in the web store settings.


The timezone used to determine the current time.

Response time:

T​he desired SLA (Service Level Agreement) used for the (non-instant) channels configured within the given web store.

Keep in mind: The configuration of the SLA is very important!

S​how score above:

T​he percentage at which the scores in the (native) chat widget will be displayed.

S​et service hours:


D​etermines the starting time of the service hours for the indicated day.


Determines the ending time of the service hours for the indicated day.


Below you can find a video on how you can set up Service Hours within the Agent Inbox.

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