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How do I configure and use WhatsApp templates?


If more than 24 hours have passed and you don't have an appropriate template message configured, you will be unable to reinitiate and respond in the WhatsApp conversation with the customer.


Once 24 hours have elapsed, sending a WhatsApp message to the customer is no longer possible due to Meta's regulations. If you attempt to do so, you'll encounter a screen similar to the one below:

To contact the customer after the 24-hour window has passed, you can send a template message. If the customer responds to this template, the conversation window is reopened.


When you are unable to select a WhatsApp template, you will need to create one within you channels account. You can create a template using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the channels account of the customer and select "Templates" and click on the "+" symbol as show below:

  1. Give the template a name and select a category. Make sure the correct languages are selected. Note that these languages will impact all templates. Not just the one you are currently making. Finally, click on "Create".

  1. On the next page, you can create the template. Make sure the field "Body" is filled in, this is a mandatory field. The other fields are optional. When you are done creating the message in all the languages selected, click "Request validation" to finish.

Tip: to enhance you customer's experience, use headers to add images or documents to your communication

Note: the template has to be approved by WhatsApp and may take about 3 business days per languages.

You should now be able to select the created template message within the Agent Inbox

learn more

To learn more about working with the WhatsApp channel, please view:

  • What is WhatsApp as a channel?

  • What are the benefits of using WhatsApp in service?

  • What features are supported on the WhatsApp channel?

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