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How Do I Configure My Browser Settings?


On this card we will explain the browser settings that need to be set up in order to have a seamless experience using Native Voice in Mobile Service Cloud.

Browser settings

To get you started with a seamless experience using Native Voice, some browser settings should be set in advance:

To get you started with a seamless experience using Native Voice, some browser settings should be set in advance:

  • make sure you hear sounds played by your browser

  • allow your browser to use your microphone

  • allow your browser to display desktop notifications

In the sections below, you are presented with an overview of how to apply the right settings per browser (Chrome, Firefox and Edge)

Make sure you hear sounds played by your browser

  1. Open your browser of choice

  2. Navigate to youtube

  3. Play any video and make sure you hear the sound of the video

If you don't hear any sounds, check if your speaker/headphones are muted or check the sound-settings of your OS.

Allow your browser to use your microphone

By default all modern browsers block access to your microphone. To be able to talk to your customers, acces to your microphone must be allowed (per website). To do so, take the following steps:


  1. Go to in Chrome

  2. Click the lock-button in the address-bar

  3. Open Site-settings

  1. In the dropdown next to Microphone, select Allow


  1. Go to in Edge

  2. Click the lock-button in the address-bar

  3. Open Site-settings

  1. In the dropdown next to Microphone, select Allow


  1. Go to in Firefox

  2. Make an inbound call and make sure it's routed to you and you see the toast

  3. Click Accept in the toast

  1. Wait for the conversation to open in the App

  2. In the popup that opens

    1. select your microphone device

    2. check Remember this decision

    3. click Allow

Allow your browser to display desktop notifications

All modern browsers support desktop notifications. Desktop notifications are messages that are displayed outside the browser as an overlay on top of all your opened windows. This makes it possible to notify users of some event that happens in a WebApp while it's minimized or behind other windows on your screen. We use these desktop-notifications to notify you about an incoming call when the App isn't visible or doesn't have focus. The below image shows an example of such a notification:

By default browsers will ask you to allow or block desktop-notification (per website!). You specifically need to allow these notifications. To do so, take the following steps:


  1. Go to in Chrome

  2. Click the lock-button in the address-bar

  3. Open Site-settings

  1. In the dropdown next to Notifications, select Allow


  1. Go to in Edge

  2. Click the lock-button in the address-bar

  3. Open Site-settings

  1. In the dropdown next to Notifications, select Allow


  1. Go to in Firefox

  2. In the address-bar click the Notifications-button

  3. Click Allow

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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