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How do I create a new project?

Create a new Conversational AI Cloud project in the project settings by clicking the blue “+” icon next to the selected project:

A pop-up window will appear for you to enter the following General Project Information:

  • Project Type* (Standard, Trial or Sandbox. Can be changed in the future)
  • Default Channel Type (Text or Voice)
  • Project Key (Required field which cannot be changed in the future)

  • Project Name (Required field which can be changed in the future)

  • Project Description (Not required and can be changed in the future)

  • Cultures (Which languages you want to enable for the project)


(!) When creating a new project, you can select a Project Type (Standard, Trial, Sandbox). Selecting a project type is helpful for Admins to know how a database is being used.

When your project has been created successfully, the new project will be automatically loaded on the project settings page.

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