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How do I create a new segment in CDP and synchronize it with Addressbook?


Create a new segment in the CDP and synchronize it with Address book so you can send a campaign to the people in the segment.


Mobile Marketing Cloud


  • Basics of the query builder
  • How to create a segment
  • Simple segment - Profile properties
  • Expand segments with behavior criteria.
  • Save as Segment (& Synchronize segment with Address book)

Basics of the query builder

The query builder is what is used to filter all your CDP data, why this is important you can read in this article. First a short explanation on the basics, before we deep-dive into creating segments using the query builder.

The query builder is a more user friendly way of querying a database using the different filter options. Using the pre-defined options will make it easier for you to select and filter what you need without needing to write complex database queries.

Some useful tips:

  • Try not to make use of too many free search type of filters like ‘Contains' or 'Not Contains’, as they can be database heavy

· It is better to filter on affirmations (equals, is empty etc.) instead of on denials (Not contains, not a member of etc.)

· You can easily mix behavior and demographic filters in 1 segment. This way you can make a distinction on people who are located in The Netherlands, have bought a pair of shoes in the last 30 days and are opening your marketing campaigns.

· The OR filter line adds a new condition to your filter, so the result is either filter line 1 OR filter line 2 OR filter line 3 etc. This way you can combine different target groups in 1 segment.

This is ideal if you want to send the same message to multiple target groups. For example: We know that profiles under 30 respond well to our promotion. We also know that profiles that have purchased a ticket for an event in 2020 show a higher level of interest. We would like to approach these two groups with one campaign. Simply expand the selection by adding an extra OR filter in order to put all these profiles into one segment.

· Try not to use unnecessary OR filters, as this can cause performance issues

· Based on the type of a field, you have certain filter options. This means date components have a between filter for example, while text types do not have this. In this article you can find a full overview of what filters are available for which types.

· The more complex you make your query, the longer it might take to load your results as your whole database needs to be checked on all your filters, which can mean a lot of joins between tables.

How to create a segment

From the Profile Insights page you can start building segments in order to create meaningful groups for communication, based on their characteristics and behavior for example.

You can determine all these characteristics and behavior yourself with the Create filter button.

There are 4 filter options:

· Profile properties - all profile characteristics

· Event types and their properties - all events types and their event properties

· Sessions and their properties - all sessions and their session properties

· Segments - to include or exclude existing segments from your new segment

Simple segment - Profile properties

Below an example of how to create a simple segment using profile characteristics. We want to filter on all contacts who are below the age of 30.

· Select the profile property Age. You can also search for the property you are looking for.

· Then you need to indicate what you want to do with the attribute, in this case you want to use 'Less than', as you want everyone below 30.

· Click on the Apply button to execute the segment. This also shows the result of your segment directly. If you don’t want to run the segment, click on the remove button

· If you want to include another characteristic in the segment, you can do this by filling in the next filter by clicking on the Add filter button.

For example, if you want to email all profiles below 30 years of age, it’s advisable to specify the segment with only customers who have an e-mail address by adding profile property Email and use the ‘Is not Empty’ condition.

· Under Profile insights you can see how many profiles match your criteria, 1355 profiles match this criteria in the below example.

Are you satisfied with the segment? Save the segment with the Save as segment button.

Give the segment a name and save it, you can now find it in the Segments menu.

Expand segments with behavior criteria.

In the previous example we showed you how to filter on profile characteristics, but you can also extend this with using behavior characteristics, or events that happened and the characteristics of that event.

For example, we have now filtered on people below the age of 30 who have an email address, but you probably only want to send your marketing email to those who have given consent. Therefore we are going to add a filter on the Event type where Marketing Consent has been given.

You can make this filter as complex as you want, let’s go over a more difficult one.

You want to know everyone who have bought a ticket for a specif time slot, scanned their ticket, speaks Dutch and have received a guest survey.

How do you do this?

Create a filter for everyone who at least had 1 ticket order, where the time slot (event property) is between a specific period.

Ticket order is in incoming event, so you need to filter on the Ticket order event. Within this event you can filter on the time slot and select the between time ranges. Now you have everyone who purchased a ticket and has a time slot based on the specif between filter.


Has the ticket scanned.

This is also an incoming event, so based on the event Ticket scanned the result from above is filtered down with everyone who has scanned the ticket, so actually was present.


Language is dutch.

This is a profile property, so you can simply filter on profile property Dutch (Nederlands).


They guest survey email has been send out.

The fact that an email was send out to a person is also an event, so here you can select the email sent event en filter down on the specif email you want to filter on, in this case an email campaign that holds a guest survey about the visit.

This results in the below query overview and gives you everyone who matches this criteria. You can now use this segment to use in a workflow for example or for analytical purposes.

Save as Segment

After you have created your segment, you can save it in order to use it in workflow or exports for example. Click the save as segment button.

After saving it, you can find it in the segments menu. The segments menu is an overview of all your saved segments. You can search for any created segment and see how many profiles it contains.

You can also create a new segment with the "Add" button straight from this page, it will direct you to the query builder as explained above.

There are several actions you can do with a saved segment:

· Synchronize to Address Book: The first button syncs the segment to Address book. With Address Book you can kick off different campaigns. For example sending an email campaign.

· Export to Audience: This syncs your segment to Facebook, you need a Facebook account for this of course.

· Rename: To rename your segment name.

· Duplicate: Helpful if you want to create a new segment which looks a lot like an existing one, it will save you time setting up all your filters.

· Delete: This makes sure that the saved segment is deleted. If you click on this, the segment will be taken directly from your overview. So be careful if you are not sure whether you will need a segment in the future.

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