How do I delete a project?
Delete a Project
Deleting a project takes 30 days before everything is permanently deleted. Throughout the 30-day period, you have the option to restore the deleted project.
Before you delete a project, make sure you have selected the correct project in the settings:
Go to the “Delete Project” section in the project settings and click the “Delete” button:
A “Delete Project” pop-up will appear. You need to enter the project name to confirm the deletion of the project. The project name field is case sensitive and must match your project name exactly. The "Delete this project" button will be activated.
After this your project will enter one of the 3 statuses in the deletion process:
1. Pending Temporary Deletion: This means that your project and chatbot will still be available for 24 hours and you will still be able to use Conversational AI Cloud as normal, however, the project can no longer be published.
2. Temporarily Deleted: After 24 hours, your project is temporarily deleted. We store your project data for 29 days. This means that your chatbot is no longer available, but you do still have access to Conversational AI Cloud Reporting API and the Admin Portal. From this point, you are able to do the following:
Restore the project
Retrieve the projects interaction data from the Reporting API
3. Deleted: Deleted: After the 30-day period has expired, you are no longer be able to restore the project and it is permanently deleted from Conversational AI Cloud!
Your Admin screen shows you which stage your project is currently in, and for how long it remains in that stage of the deletion process. It also shows you which features are available at each stage of the deletion process.
A confirmation email will be sent to you informing you deleted project's status.