How Do I Effectively Use Search?
On the Mobile Service Cloud dashboard you can find a search bar above the dashboard widgets.
Search criteria
By default your search criteria will match on the following:
- Name of the customer
- Email addresses
- Phone number
- Subject conversation
- Content conversation
It could be that the integration between the Mobile Service Cloud and your system allows you to search for other criteria like zipcodes.
Search operators
You can use several search operators to narrow down your search.
+ sign:
example: complaint + product
Displays results where both the word complaint and product are mentioned.
| sign:
example: complaint | delivery
Displays results where either complaint or delivery are mentioned.
- sign:
example: warranty - expired
Displays results where warranty is mentioned but expired is not.
* sign:
example: deliver*
Displays results where a word contains deliver, followed by any combination of letters.
" ":
example: "delivery product X"
Displays results where the words are found in the exact order as entered into the search, the combination of words in a different order will be excluded.
( ):
example: complaint + (delivery | product)
Displays results where complaint is mentioned in combination with either delivery or product are mentioned.
Based on your search query the Mobile Service Cloud will show the following:
- Persons (customers)
- Conversations
- Orders
Below you find a video on how you can use search in the Mobile Service Cloud.
Search Operators
When using the search on the MSC dashboard you can sometimes get results that just are not what you were looking for, using search operators enhances the probability of finding the results you are looking for.
+ sign:
example: complaint + product
Displays results where both the word complaint and product are mentioned.
| sign:
example: complaint | delivery
Displays results where either complaint or delivery are mentioned.
- sign:
example: warranty - expired
Displays results where warranty is mentioned but expired is not.
* sign:
example: deliver*
Displays results where a word contains deliver, followed by any combination of letters.
" " sign:
example: "delivery product X"
Displays results where the words are found in the exact order as entered into the search, the combination of words in a different order will be excluded.
( ) sign:
example: complaint + (delivery | product)
Displays results where complaint is mentioned in combination with either delivery or product are mentioned.