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How does Ticket Types work in an event?

Once your event is created it is time to create different tickettypes. Different ticket types can be done in a lot of ways for example:

  • the difference between a adult and kids tickets
  • the difference between a regular and a VIP ticket
  • the difference between a entrance and a parking ticket
  • the difference between a section A and section B ticket
  • etc.

Creating different ticket types

When you open your event you can navigate to the tab Ticket Types, and you can press new ticket type.

You will get a blank ticket type. Herby an explanation of each step in this ticket type generator.


In the tab details you can fill in the names of the ticket type. The Name is the main name your ticket type is called, for example Adult or Kids Ticket. This name will show on your shop and on your e-tickets

The name Subtitle is to give more information about the ticket type. For example at a Kids ticket what the age limits are for this ticket. The subtitle will also show on your shop and on your e-ticket

The field Description is also for giving more information about the ticket type, but this description field is for internal use only. this field will never be shown on any external pages or tickets.


In the tab prizes you can fill in the different prizes on the different price categories you have created when creating the venue. If you do not want that a ticket type is shown on a a certain price category, keep the price category empty.

You can also adjust the VAT percentage for each price category within a ticket type.

Min/max age:

In this tabs you can restrict a certain ticket type to be only bought between certain ages.

This tabs are not used in a lot of cases because there are some rules to keep in mind, otherwise the system would be unable to check if you are in the age limitations. This function will only work if these three points are all valid

  1. You are working with accounts in your shop which have filled in date of birth
  2. You have to login to your account before adding tickets into your basket
  3. if you want to buy multiple tickets they all have to be in the date range.

So if a father wants to buy tickets for his child as well you are already in trouble. That is why we would advise to use these buttons in certain cases which always needs to be checked with your contact at


The downloadable button will give you the option to make it possible that the ticket buyer is not able to download their e-tickets because you want to give them out closer to the event, or the layout is not ready yet. But please keep this button on as much as possible. if you want your ticket buyers to have later access to the tickets please do this in the shop and email settings and not here. Only when you are never giving out tickets you can check this button off.

Advanced settings:

In the tab advanced settings of a ticket type you can check on 2 things.

  1. Is personalisation needed on this ticket
  2. Is the tickettype availble for resell

For more information about these topics please check the articles about this functions.

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