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How to add a Page to a Campaign


After reading this article you know how to add a Page to a Campaign.

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- End user

How to add a Page to a Campaign

Adding Pages to a Campaign can have multiple advantages. For example, it can help to communicate extra information via a creative way or to ask for more information while communicating with your audience.

You can add a Page to a Campaign very easily. This article will explain step by step how to do that:

  1. Create a new Campaign via the blue plus sign in the Campaigns app.

  2. Within your message, click on the Pages logo in the tab below the message content:

This will open a new window where you can select the Page that you want to add to your Campaign. Please note: this has to be a Page that is already 'live'. You can make a Page live by sharing the Page URL in your browser.

After adding the Page to your Campaign it will show a short URL in your preview:

Now the Page is added to your Campaign!

An advantage of adding a Page to your Campaign via the Pages icon in the tab below the message content is that the mobile phone number of the recipient will be send through all of the sections of the Page. Therefore, there is no need anymore to add this field to your Page when communicating the Page via Campaigns!

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