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How to check event logging


Goal of article is to give information on the usage of the event logging in the Customer data Platform.


  • Mobile Marketing Cloud
  • Customer Data Platform


The event logging holds information related to all incoming events (raw events) for your account. You see all incoming events on our events API (both internal and externally initiated) and it shows the processing result (success or error).

It does not show messages still being processed or are in a queue ready for processing.

How to read event logging

Incoming event type

The raw event type that is used to POST data to the CDP.


This shows you where this event type is being used (dependency links)This can be any source, these can be workflows, segments or dashboard for example. In this case, the event needs to be evaluated for these 3 'sources' as it has a dependency link with these sources.


Date of event of the raw event, if not specified, the date/time when the event entered on our events API is used.


When the event gets profiled correctly, you have a successful result. If not, you will see an error state. This means, the raw (incoming) event did reach the CDP, but due to misconfiguration or another (database connection) error it didn’t get profiled. You can see the details of the error message once you open the failed event.


Unchanged - event did not get changes

Modified - event got modified

Deleted - event was deleted (logging line of the event still exists until a re-profile is done).


How long did it take to process this event.


You can filter on a specific incoming event type if you know which event type your are looking for. Always look for the raw event as this is the incoming event as send from the third Party (In or external) to the CDP. You can combine this with the other filters.

The result filter lets you filter on successful or error-ed results. You can combine this with the other filters.

The processing state lets you filter on the state of the event. Was it modified, deleted or unchanged. You can combine this with the other filters.

Once you deleted a raw event, the event itself no longer exists, but we keep the log line of the event until a re-profile is done, as during this process, event logging is re-written and the raw event no longer exists.

I don't see my event

If your event does not show up in event logging (do note that this can take a few seconds), this can have several reasons.

  • There is a queue for your CDP and the message is still in the queue. To check if your CDP has a queue, go to the event logging.
  • You’re sending to an incorrect endpoint and/or are using incorrect authentication. Check your endpoint and make sure the tenant id, product token and event id are correct.
  • Details on our events API can be found here

If all of the above is not the case, then there might be a connectivity problem which is causing it to not actively profile (process events). In this case contact the CM support team with all your details. Provide at least the following details:

o TenantID (CDP settings - general) or you tenant name.

o Explanation of what you already checked.

My event gives an error

When your event is in the event logging, but it returned an error during processing (profiling) then the processed outcome gives you information as to why it did not process.

In order to get these events processed again, you first need to fix the error. You can do this by checking the CDP code, which proved more details on the error. Once you did this, you can retry sending the failed events .

There can be several reasons for the processing of an event to fail, but let’s highlight the most common errors

Event contains no keys

One of the most common error, is the ''Event contains to key’' error. 'When an event enters the CDP, it needs at least 1 key property in order to update/merge or create a profile. There always need to be 1 unique identifier in a message which we can use to profile. If this does not exists you will see the below error.

Make sure your configuration is correct and contains a correct key mapping.

Incorrect type

Profile properties are setup with a specific type (string, Boolean, date, number etc.). If you have setup a property with type number and you send plain text in this field, it will give you the below error. Make sure your property types are matching the actual input (value).

Mandatory property not found

In your event setup you can specify mandatory properties, if one of your mandatory properties is missing in the incoming event, this error will be thrown.

How to retry events

When you have events that error-ed, you can try to re-send them. This only makes sense if you fixed the error given in the original event or it was a connectivity error and the connectivity issues are resolved.

If the event had an event added workflow trigger related to it and the event failed, when you retry the same event, the workflow will also be triggered (as it didn’t got triggered on the first attempt due to the error)

If you resend a successful event and that event has an event added workflow trigger related to it, the workflow will not go off again as for this unique combination it already went of during the first time it entered and got processed.

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