How to connect Spotify to CDP
How to connect Spotify to CDP in order to generate links which can be used to promote the pre-release of a song or album.
Mobile Marketing Cloud
Customer Data Platform
The CDP can connect to Spotify for generating links which can be used to promote the pre-release of a song or album.
Where to find
In the sources menu you can find the Spotify integration (advanced/pro subscription). Add the integration by clicking on the + sign in the right top corner, the integration is now being added.
Once added, check what you want to do. Do you want to generate a link for a released number or for the pre-release of a number?
Based on that, fill in the form.
Look for the Spotify URI of the track and copy it to the “Spotify track URI” in the form.
(example: spotify:track:3A4XD98PDiC1uqEdHsDzvT)
If you go to Share, hover over the Copy song link and press CTRL+ALT you get the Copy song URI option. Use this one, not the URL.Determine a Return URL where people are being sent to after doing the presave. Fill this URL in the field “Return URL”.
(For example, create a page in the pages app where you want to re-direct people to, thanking them for the pre-save.)
You can use the “Description” field to describe the track and the functioning of the pre-save module” to the fans.
(e.g. “Make sure to be the first to pre-save the newest track from Amelie Lens: Little Robot. When clicking on "pre-save" you agree to be added to the list of people who want to be informed about all new information about Amelie Lens.)
For the pre-release option, you can fill in the Artist name, Title, Release date and Image URL.
Click on 'Generate Link'
An URL is generated which you can use as Call to Action in your campaign
When the user clicks on the generated link, at first a Spotify login screen opens, login to your account.
When the user clicks on the green “pre-save” button he’ll be redirected to the URL you’ve entered in the “Return URL part”
At the same time, In the Customer Data Platform a “Spotify: Logged in” and “Spotify Pre-saved track” event is generated for this user and based on that a profile is created.
Additional information is provided about the top 5 listened artists and top 5 listened tracks from this user at the moment of pre-save.