How to create a shop in Seated Ticketing
When you have created a venue and an event, it is time to create your ticketshop. Setting up a ticketshop is essential to sell your tickets. A ticket shop is an online enviroment where certain settings are applicable. For example you could create different shops for the regular sale as for the VIP or business tickets with other settings on both shops. In this artice you will learn all the tips and tricks how to set up your shop.
How to create a shop?
Go to shops in your seated enviorment in the menu on the left.
Click on the '+' to create a new shop.
Fill in the desired name of the shop and the slug here. The 'slug' will be visible in the link, after the last '/'. When you share the event link later, site visitors will see this. A good and clear slug choice will help you in marketing and selling the tickets. Then click on 'save'.
Shop settings.
There is a big list of shop settings to setup. Under the image you will find the explanation of each point.
At the first two settings, you can adjust you just created shop name and slug.
- Shop Languages -> Select which languages you want to have available in your shop
- Account Creation -> Option if you want your customers to be able to create an account. Note: Only use this setting if you are also working with a login policy on your shop
- Discount field -> Will the visitors of your shop see a field where they can fill in a discount code
- Order download enabled -> Is it possible to directly download your tickets after the purchase/in the personalisation or in your account
- Order Personalisation -> Allow your customers to navigate to the personalisation app from the shop.
- Seat Allocation -> Option that you just select a amount of tickets and that the system will select the best available seats for you
- Seat Map -> Option which allows customers to select their own seat via the shop
- Ring Only -> Only display the rings in the venue section sidebar
- Reservation Time -> The amount of minutes before a reservation expires
- Remove past shop events -> Automatically remove past events from attached shops
- Login Policy -> Do people need to login in the ticketshop and when
- Success Callback URL -> Customers will be redirected to this URL when succesfully finishing an order.
- Personalisation Policy -> Define when your customers will be asked to personalise their tickets.
- Invoice Policy -> Use this setting to define whether or not your customers can request an invoice during checkout.
- Support URL -> Enter your custom support URL. By default, a link to the CM Tickets help center is used.
- Text -> Multiple text options to customize your shop, for example to add a address
- Customer Data -> Which data needs to filled in during the booking and personalisation
- E-Commerce -> In this fields you can fill in different tracking options
- Iframe -> If you would like to integrate your ticketshop into your website, you could use this Iframe code
Note: Do not forget to save any changes at the bottom of the page
Creating pages in the ticketshop
Under the 'Pages' tab, you can create multiple pages within a shop, just as a website can have multiple pages. This allows you to clearly separate different products, such as events, season tickets, and training sessions. As a result, it becomes easier for your visitors to find and purchase the right products.
Step 1. Create a new page by clicking on ‘+ Add New Shop Page’.
Step 2. Give the page a name and fill in a description. The description will appear on the shop page. In the description, you can further explain the products being sold.
Step 3. Next, under ‘Events’ and ‘Subscriptions’, you can specify what should be visible in the shop. The blocks of elements that should be visible in the shop must be dragged to the right, into the ‘Selected’ category. Blocks can also be dragged back if you decide you do not want them visible in the shop.
Note: Do not forget to save any changes at the bottom of the page
At the environment tab you are able to customize the personalisation page for when people are personalizing there tickets. You can change texts colors and the background.
At the top bottom you can adjust your styling and open your preview shop.