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How to create a single-step workflow?


This article will help you create a single step workflow and monitor the results and the effectiveness of it.

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- Techy
- Administrator
- Marketing and automation

How to create a workflow

If you want to create a workflow, go to the Workflow section in the Customer Data Platform:

Click on 'New workflow' in the top right corner:

This will open the Workflow editor where you can drag and drop your triggers and elements:

the workflow settings

On the right side you can find the workflow settings. Here you can enable and disable the workflow and give your workflow a name.

Below those settings you also have the option to enable a specific goal for your workflow. This can be helpful if you want to stop sending e-mail campaigns when, for example, and order has been placed. This can be an example of that (note that Shopify is an external integration with the CDP):

When selecting a goal you have to select it for a specific event type. From there on you can also filter on a specific property within that event. If the box 'Stop workflow when goal is met' is checked, the workflow will stop when that specific event occurs on the profile.

triggers of a workflow

These are the triggers which can use to start the workflow.

  1. Profile added trigger: starts when a profile is added to a specific segment. When selecting this trigger you also have to select a segment of which the workflow will start when a profile is added to that segment. Furthermore, you can also select a consent that the profile needs to have in order to get into the workflow.
  2. Profile removed trigger: starts when a profile is deleted from a specific segment. This can happen when the profile does not meet the specific requirements of a segment anymore. In this trigger you also have to select the applicable segment.
  3. Event occurred trigger: starts when a specific events occurs on a profile. This can be for example, when a Page has been filled in or when an Email campaign has been opened. Please note that when selecting an event occurred trigger that the workflow can start off multiple times for a specific profile.
  4. Daily time passed: starts when a specific time is met. In this trigger you also have to select a segment and the time when you want the workflow to start off.
  5. Anniversary trigger: starst when a specific date is met for a specific segment. Here you have to select the segment of which you want to trigger the workflow, and the date property on which it needs to trigger. If there are no date properties available, you have to add it to your data in the Customer Data Platform. This trigger can be helpful in the case of communicating on somebody's birthday.


If you have chosen the trigger of your workflow, you can select the next steps that it needs to follow. For this article we will focus on creating a single-step workflow. This means that we only have one step after the trigger (for example: Page has been submitted -> Send e-mail campaign)

First we will explain all the steps that you can choose in the workflow:

  1. Wait step: this option creates time between a trigger and a step, or between two steps. When selecting this step you can fill in the duration and the unit on the right hand side:

If you want to wait for, for example, 5 minutes you can divide the hour by 12. The duration will then be 0.08 hours.

Please note that the wait step cannot be used in a single-step workflow.

  1. HTTP step: this is for API calls in the workflow. Please contact your Data Consultant if you want to use this step.
  2. Send email: this option is for sending an email automatically during your workflow. Please note that you have to make a triggered e-mailcampaign in order to use this.

This is the settings tab that will open when you have selected this step. In the first option you will select the profile field to which the email needs to be send. Most of the time this will be: Email.

If you want to send the email to an additional recipient (for example, every email also needs to end up at the info-mail address of the customer service) you add the email address in this field.

Type the email address and press enter.

In the last tab you select the emailcampaign that you want to send.

  1. Send campaign: this option is for sending SMS campaigns automatically during your workflow. Please note that you have to make a triggered campaign in order to use this.

These are the settings that will open when selecting this step. In the phone number property you select the field that the campaign needs to be send to. Mostly, that will be Mobile phonenumber.

In the next tab you will select the campaign that you want to send.

  1. Wait until step: this step is an additional wait step that waits until a certain date of event. When selecting this step, please note that there has to be a date of event in the trigger of the workflow. Therefore, it is advised to use an Event Added trigger.

This is the tab that will open if you have selected the wait step:

In the first field you select the date of event on which the workflow needs to wait. If you want to specify this wait step even more.

In this example the workflow waits 2 hours before the date specified in your step.

  1. Filter: with this option you can create filters in your workflow. Open the filter settings and select the criteria that you want to filter on:

For example, if you only want to continue the workflow with the people that have bought at least 1 ticket you can set the filter like this:

If the profile needs to apply to the filter you can drag a line from the green dot, if it does not need to apply to the filter you can drag it from the red dot.

  1. Delete profile: this option immediately deletes the profile when it arrives at this step in the workflow. We would advise you to always be cautious with this step and with automatically deleting profiles. When a profile is deleted it cannot be restored.

If you have build your workflow, you can press the 'Tidy' button in the top right corner to visibally make it look more organized.

Afterwards, click on 'Workflow enabled' and Save. If you have a profile added trigger it gives you two option:

  1. Trigger retrospectively
  2. Trigger proactively

The first option makes it possible to trigger retroactively it for an entire segment. So everybody that is in that segment will go through the workflow again.

The second option will only start for upcoming triggers.

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