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How to Create a Web Conversations V2 Inline Configuration


The prerequisites to setup a inline V2 Web Conversations are as followed: Conversational AI Cloud environment Mobile Service Cloud Advanced/Pro environment platform account.

Creating a New V2 Inline Configuration

  1. Head over to the Web Conversations builder
  2. Create a new chatbot by clicking on the “+ˮ button. Make sure that you select ‘Web Chat V2 Inlineˮ and select your Conversational AI Cloud environment.
  3. When all fields are filled in, create on ‘Createʼ. This will redirect you to your new created Web Conversations configuration.
  4. Configure the styling and text as you see fit. This can be done under ‘Themingʼ found on the left side of your screen.

Conversational Router Configuration

Before your Web Conversations is going to work youʼll need to connect it to a router environment. The following steps will guide you through.

  1. Go to ‘Settingsʼ and fill in the following fields: ‘Product tokenʼ: This is your Conversational Router product token. The product token can be found in your Conversational router environment under ‘External acces infoʼ

Account ID

This is your Conversational Router account ID.

To retrieve this ID click on ‘Copy outbound URLʼ of the Business messaging adapter and the first ID in the URL is your Router account ID, example:


Adapter ID's. Please make sure that you first add them to your router environment and make sure that you select the V2 option:

Conversational AI Cloud adapter ID: This is the Conversational AI Cloud adapter ID in your router environment.
To retrieve this ID click on ‘Copy outbound URLʼ of the Conversational AI Cloud adapter and the second ID in the URL is your Conversational AI Cloud ID, example:

Web Conversations adapter ID: This is the Web Conversations adapter ID in your router environment.
To retrieve this ID click on ‘Copy outbound URLʼ of the Web Conversations adapter and the second ID in the URL is your Web Conversations ID, example:

When all the ID's are filled in we need to create a rule set in the router environment:

  • Web Conversations adapter connects to the Agent inbox adapter (disabled), Conversational AI Cloud adapter and the history adapter.
  • Conversational AI Cloud adapter connects to the Web Conversations adapter and the history adapter.
  • The Agent inbox (ROBIN adapter) connects to the Web Conversations adapter.

If all steps are followed correctly all fields are filled in and your Web Conversations inline v2 should start working.

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