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How to create dossiers with Sign by

When you have access to the Sign dashboard, you can start creating dossiers and invite recipients to sign your documents. Follow these steps to create dossiers:

Step 1: Access the Sign app

Open the Sign app from the App menu or click here.

Step 2: Start a new dossier

From the Overview page (or My dossiers / Team dossiers), click the “New Dossier” button in the upper right corner to create a new dossier.

Step 3: Set basic parameters

When creating a new dossier, set the following basic parameters:

  • Send on behalf of: By default, this is set to 'Myself (private)'. It can only be changed if you are part of a team (or manage teams). To send the dossier on behalf of a team, first create a team in the Settings menu.

  • Identity Verification: If you have activated one or more identity verification methods, you can select the required level. To request identity verification if this is not activated yet, press the 'Request' button, which will send a mail to, and they will contact you regarding your request.

Press continue to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Upload documents

To upload a document, use the "Upload Document" option found in the left menu, or simply drag and drop the document onto the screen. This could be a quotation, contract, or any other document you need to have signed. Please remember that each document must not exceed 10MB, although the total size of a dossier can be much larger.

Step 5: Add recipients

Click on ''add recipient'' to fill in the details of the recipient who needs to approve/sign the document. Subsequently add all required information for each recipient.

  • Multiple Signatures: Add more recipients if multiple people need to sign.

  • Signing Order: Specify the order in which people should sign if needed.

  • Review Only: Add a person to review and approve the contract without signing.

Step 6: Set signature fields

Determine the positions of the signature, initials, date, or open text fields. Use the left menu to select the required signatures for your document, then drag the fields to the appropriate positions within the document. If you plan to use a similar sized contract frequently, click on ''Save as template''. This will automatically place the fields in the correct positions for future use. Ensure everything is correctly placed in the document, then click the ''Create dossier'' button.


Step 7: Send dossier

In the next screen, add a personal message for each recipient and verify that all entered data is correct. If everything is accurate, click "Send dossier" to send it to the intended recipients. After sending, the dossier will appear on your overview page or under 'My dossiers'. You will also receive email updates when a recipient has approved/signed/declined the dossier, allowing you to track its status. If in doubt, you can always check the dashboard for the dossier's status.

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