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How to create segments on profile information


This article will inform you about how to create segment by using profile information.

Who can it help?

- employee
- Customer

Profile properties

The Customer Data Platform (CDP) by default has some profile properties, such as: First name, Last name, Email, Mobile phonenumber. Within settings you can easily add and edit profile properties. Profile properties are often used for data that does not change often or for which only the last value is relevant. The profile properties are overwritten each time a events which have a field mapped to a that profile property.

Want to find out how to edit your profile properties? Click here.

Create segments

Profile properties can be used to create segments. For this you use the filter option in profile insights. All profile properties can be found under "Profile property filters". Select the property that you would like to filter on and add the condition.

To combine multiple filters we you can either add an "and" filter by continuing on the same filter line. Or add an "or" filter by adding a new filter line.

When you've added all filters, you can create a segment by clicking on the blue button in the right top corner. Segments will be automatically updated after saving them.

Common segments with profile properties:
- All profiles from the a specific country
- All profile for which the phone number is not empty


Below you can find a video on how to create segments in Mobile Marketing Cloud.

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