How to create templates and archive messages in Campaigns
This article will help you understand how to create templates from a Campaign and archive already send messages.
Who can it help?
- Administrator
- Manager
- End user
Creating templates and archiving messages
Creating templates
There are two ways of creating templates:
- When clicking on the blue plus sign, you click on the '+ New template' button.
- This will open a new window where you can create a template. This works quite the same as creating a regular campaign. Create your template and click 'Save'!
Your template will now be shown underneath the Template section in Campaigns:
The second way how to create a template is to create it from an already excisting campaign. Go to 'All' and go to the Campaign that you want to create a template from.
Click on the 3 dots of the applicable campaign and click: 'Save as template'
Your campaign is now saved as a template!
archiving campaigns
if you want to archive an already send campaign, go to the three dots of the applicable campaign:
Click on Archive and the campaign will be shown in the 'Archived' section on the Campaigns app: