How to customize email layouts?
Within the Seated Ticketing environment it is possible to customize the email that is sent after purchasing or sending a ticket.
In Seated Ticketing, you can customize the email sent after purchasing or sending a ticket. This allows you to incorporate your brand's style into the confirmation email and gives you the opportunity to provide ticket buyers and/or invitees with important information relevant to the event.
To customize the email, navigate to Settings > Email Templates in the menu. Choose an existing template to edit or create a new one by clicking on the blue'+ New Email Template' button.
After creating a new template, click on the blue settings icon in the top right to open settings. The first step is to select which email template you want to customize. You can choose from:
- Order (the confirmation email sent after a purchase is made through the ticket shop or created via the dashboard. A button can be added to download the ticket)
- Guest Manager (the confirmation email sent after a ticket is sent via the Guest Manager module)
- Personalize (the confirmation email sent after a purchase is made through the ticket shop or created via the dashboard and one or more tickets in the order need to be personalized; the email includes a button to personalize the tickets)
Email template group
Via Email Template Group, you can name the template. Choose a recognizable name so the template can be easily found later. Here, you can also adjust the following:
- Template name
- Background color
- Primary color (for buttons and the email footer)
- Text color of the button
Additionally, you can add a header banner and footer banner. Make sure the images meet the specified dimensions and file size.
Email template
Via Email Template some additional info can be adjusted:
- Sender name
- Subject of the email
- Text for the ticket download button
By clicking on the text in the email editor, you can edit the text in the email. Custom fields that can be used in the text or topic are:
· {{ORDER_ID}}: The unique order id for an order
· {{FIRST_NAME}}: The first name of the buyer as filled out during the order process.
· {{LAST_NAME}}: The last name of the buyer as filled out during the order process.
· {{EVENT_NAME}}: The name of your event
· {{ORGANISATION_NAME}}: The name of your organization
When navigating to Setting in the menu, you can set up for which tickets the template should be applicable by adding a new rule. Within this menu, head over to settings again to switch the show download button on or off, depending on your wishes. You can also enable/disable the mobile ticket.
First, select the event or subscription by checking one of the boxes. Then, head over to Ticket Types or Subscription Types to select the ticket type to which the e-mail template should be relevant.
Then, select the event or subscription by checking one of the boxes. Then, go to Ticket Types or Subscription Types to choose the ticket type to which the template should apply. If you would like to set up the same template for both Ticket Types and Subscription Types, please remember to add separate rules for each; otherwise, it will not be set up correctly. Additionally, ensure that the Shops filter remains unchanged. Selecting a ticket shop here will result in the template being applied only to tickets purchased through that specific shop, and it will exclude any orders created via the dashboard.
Finally save the settings and head back to the design setting to save the template there as well.