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How to customize the mobile ticket layout

Within the Seated Ticketing environment, you can customize the layout of the mobile ticket yourself. This allows you to optimize the mobile experience for your customers. You can do this by navigating to Settings -> Mobile Templates in the menu. Here, you can edit and configure the mobile display of your tickets.

Click on the '+' icon to create a new template or select an existing template to edit. The default CM template cannot be modified.

In the editor, first, give your mobile template a name. Then, choose which information should be displayed on the mobile ticket. The following options are available:

  • Show event date (displays the start date of the event. Note: for multi-day events, this is the start date of the entire event, which may cause confusion for attendees if they have purchased a ticket for a later day.)
  • Show expiry date (displays the expiration date of the ticket, if applicable)
  • Show ticket price (displays the ticket price on the ticket)
  • Show purchase date (displays the purchase date on the ticket)

Next, you can upload 2 images. The banner/logo is displayed at the top left, and the 'background' replaces the background of the mobile ticket. In the editor, you'll see a preview of how it will appear on the screen.

Linking Mobile Layout

After saving the template, it needs to be reopened. Now, a second tab called "Settings" has appeared at the top of the page. Here, you can link the mobile ticket template to your tickets. A template can be linked using the following settings.

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