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How to customize ticket layouts?

Within the Seated Ticketing environment, you can customize the layout of a ticket or ticket type yourself. This allows you to enhance the customer experience and integrate your own branding on the ticket. You can do this by navigating to Settings -> Ticket Templates in the menu. In this section, you can modify and set up how your tickets are displayed.

To create a new template, click on the blue ‘+ Add New Template’ button. To edit an existing template, click on one of the templates you’ve already added.

When creating a new template, you can choose a pre-fixed template to fill in or an empty template that you can design from scratch. Click on the preferred template.

Within the editor, you can upload an image by either clicking on the image menu item on the left side of your screen or by directly clicking on the upper part of the ticket. Please ensure that these are the correct dimensions (1130px * 1240px, max 1MB, PNG/JPEG/JPG).

When clicking on the lower part of the ticket you can choose which information should be displayed on the ticket. The following options are available:

  • Show event date (displays the start date of the event. Note: for multi-day events, this is the start date of the entire event, which may cause confusion for attendees if they purchased a ticket for a later day. For multi-day events we recommend not showing the event date)
  • Show expiry date (displays the expiration date of the ticket, if applicable)
  • Show ticket price (displays the ticket price on the ticket)
  • Show purchase date (displays the purchase date on the ticket)

After you have created your desired ticket template, save it and refresh the page. A Settings section will appear in the upper-right corner. Here, you can set up which tickets the template should apply to by adding a new rule.

First, select the event or subscription by checking one of the boxes. Then, go to Ticket Types or Subscription Types to choose the ticket type to which the template should apply. If you would like to set up the same template for both Ticket Types and Subscription Types, please remember to add separate rules for each; otherwise, it will not be set up correctly. Additionally, ensure that the Shops filter remains unchanged. Selecting a ticket shop here will result in the template being applied only to tickets purchased through that specific shop, and it will exclude any orders created via the dashboard.

Save the rule(s) and head back to the design by clicking on Design in the upper right corner.

Make sure to enter a title at your ticket layout so you can find it more easily later and don’t forget to save the template.

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