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How to Download Dashboard Data

Download Dashboard or Widgets Data

Each dashboard can be downloaded via the download PDF link at the top right of each dashboard or from the menu next to it. From the menu, you can choose to download the dashboard as a PDF or Image. If you choose to download a PDF, you'll need a PDF Viewer.

Download a PDF

Choosing to download the dashboard as a PDF will open an overlay with a preview of the PDF, where you can select a number of options:

Orientation determines whether the widgets will be horizontally distributed across the regular width of the page, or that they'll be able to use the greater width of a page in landscape mode. We've found that Landscape mode often gives better results. If you are downloading the PDF for digital archiving, selecting 'A3' for the paper size will also allow the widgets to use more space, reducing data cutoffs.

Header/Footer allows you choose to what data to display in the PDF header, and whether to use page number or not.

If you switch the toggle above the preview over to edit mode, you'll be able to change the vertical height of the widgets and manage how many widgets appear on a single page. Once you save your configuration for a dashboard, your export will always use that configuration. Use the green arrow button to actually download the PDF.

Download a Particular Widget

The data underlying each widget can be downloaded from the options at the top right of each widget. Choose Download > Image, CSV, pdf or excel file as shown below. This will always be a flat table, and preserve the layout of pivot tables.

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