How to get notified when you reached your max. stored contacts
When an MMC subscription has gone over its stored contacts, they will not have access to the contacts above their cap. In order to make use of these contacts you can get notified when you reached X % of your profile cap and upgrade if needed.
Mobile Marketing Cloud
- Customer Data Platform
You can now subscribe yourself to an account to be notified when the account has reached X percentage of the profile cap.
In the settings of the CDP you can go to the Notification tab, enable the 'Maximum stored contacts reached' toggle and set the slider to the percentage as of which you wat to be notified.
Now based on the email that is linked to your SSO Account-guid, we will send you a notification email once the percentage you have set is reached. When you change your percentage, this is a new trigger for us to check and send you an email when reached. If you already had a notification on your 'old' percentage then we will have a 3 days waiting period before you get the next notification based on your new stored contacts, this to prevent us spamming you with emails.
We perform this check daily around 10AM CET.
Once you've hit the cap and your received an email, you will receive this once. If you didn't upgrade and the stored contacts are still over the cap after 3 days, we will send another notification to upgrade.
The below email template will be send, with fixed merge tags used to determine the details.