How to include consent in your page?
How to include consent in your page.
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How to integrate consent in your page?
How to include consent in your page.
Design a page in which you ask for consent (for example use a checkbox which visitors can select if they want to subscribe for consent, an example: Yes, you can keep me updated about news/events. You can also ask it via other answer elements. See here other elements: [WIP-MMC] Introduction guide Pages
Next to collecting consent, it's important to ask for an e-mailadres or phonenumber, so it can correctly be saved in the customer data platform. You can map the The mobile phonenumber or e-mail to the profile field mobile phonenumber or email in the CDP. See here how you connect specific fields and the complete page form to the CDP: How to connect Pages with a form to the Customer Data Platform?
The field in which you ask for consent, please do not map that to a speficic profile property in the CDP, but to an event property (also explained in the article above). Give it a meaningfull name, for example: marketing consent.
Please reach out to your contactperson, because they have to include a consent script, so that the consent location, consent text, consent value and date of event is saved correctly in the CDP on the profile of the person.