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How to manage opt-out for SMS Campaigns


The goal of this article is to explain how the opt-out tag in Campaigns works and how to create new adresslists in the CDP looking at this unsubscriptions.

Who can it help?

- Techy
- End user
- Marketer

When to use an opt-out possibility in your SMS campaign

When sending promotional content via SMS, the GDPR rules require you to add an opt-out possibility. When it concerns transactional content, opt-out is not necessary but advised.

How to add an opt-out tag to your SMS campaign

When using the campaigns editor in the screen where you can create your SMS campaign, in the left bottom corner you can find the "Opt-out"-checkmark. If this one is checked, automatically an opt-out link is added to your message. This link uses 22 characters of your message (138 left).

When receivers click on this link they are redirect to this page:

This page will be shown in the language of your phone (in this case Dutch). Available languages are: Dutch, Arabic, Spanish, English, French, Japanese and Simplified Chinese. Receivers can choose a reason to opt-out.

How to know who opted-out?

This can be done in two ways:

Address Book:

Open the Address book app and click on the "unsubscribers" menu item on the left side:

When you are using the Customer Data Platform, and the Campaigns adapter is activated, events for un-subscriptions will also be send to the CDP:

People who opted out using the Opt-out tag ( link) will be automaticall blocked when trying to send another SMS to them by the CM platform.

When someone mistakenly opted out from your campaigns, you can remove him/her in the addressbook unsubscribers list.

How to create an up to date list in CDP excluding the Opt-outs

Since SMS unsubscribers are sent to the Customer Data platform as events, you can exclude them when creating a filter.

You do this by adding the following AND filter to your segment filter:

Profiles who have at most 0 "Campaigns: Message unsubscribed": events.

When you want to connect SMS optouts automatically to your consent categories in the CDP, help of a Professional Services Consultant is needed. Feel free to reach out to your contact person to get this project scoped and priced.


Below you find a video on how you can opt-out for an SMS Campaign in the Mobile Marketing Cloud.

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