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How to Publish a Project

All Projects can be automatically published daily. However, it may be necessary to publish important changes during the day. In this case, you can publish your database manually via the Publication screen.

Before you Publish, keep in mind the following:

  • If a project is already in progress of publishing, you cannot publish until it's done
  • Once you press the 'publish' button, the project will start being published
  • Publishing your content can take up to 15 minutes
  • We recommend only giving publishing rights to a maximum of 2 people per project. Publishing rights can be requested by your Admin
  • Make sure you are publishing to the right environment. You can select to publish to Staging or publish to Staging and Production
  • The publish will still occur nightly if enabled

Note: Keep in mind that if your project has multiple languages enabled, publishing one of these languages will effectively publish all the other ones as well.


Below you find a video about the Publication Feature in Conversational AI Cloud.

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