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How to send data from Seated Ticketing to the CDP

If you want to send your data from Seated Ticketing to the CDP you need to follow a few steps.

  1. Go to your CDP and add the Seated ticketing at sources.

  1. Than go to settings in the menu of the CDP and open the settings.
  2. If you scroll a bit down you wil find your tennant id and you can create/copy an API token

  1. At the same time but on an other tab open seated ticketing
  1. Go to settings on the bottom left and select integrations in the fourth row

6.At the block CDP you activate the CDP and you fill in the tennant ID and api token from step 2. Now press save. all the new data will be sended to the CDP.

NOTE: Do you want to send all your historical data from seated ticketing to the CDP, please contact your CSM.

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