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How to set-up a (mobile) landingpage with Pages


Learn to work with Pages


Mobile Marketing Cloud


Design a landing page

Go beyond regular SMS with Pages, it’s a mobile landing page builder within Mobile Marketing Cloud tailored to enhance your customers’ mobile experience. Get more leads, increase engagement and watch your conversion rate grow. Landing pages don’t link to your homepage and are designed with a single objective known as a ‘call to action’.

There are 2 different types of landing pages:

- Lead Generation pages with a web form for data collection purposes.

- Click through pages with a single button to facilitate transactions.

Create your mobile landing page

Ready to create your landing page, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Pages icon to open it.

2. Click on ‘’create new page’’ or ‘’create page’’

3. Your have now created an empty landing page

4. Before starting with the design of your page you have to give your page a name and browser title.

Design your page

Now that you have created and named the page, you need to start designing the page. Pages uses a Drag and Drop functionality, allows you easily create Pages. Simply click and drag the element that you would like to add to your page and drop it at the place you want.

The following elements can be added to your page:

Video: Use this element to add a video to your page. Just copy the URL of the video and paste it in. Please note that the video has to be hosted somewhere, like YouTube or Vimeo.

Text Area: Use this element to add text to your page.

Field (form): Use this element when you want to ask your visitors an open question or store the data in the Customer Data Platform or Address Book.

Space: This element can be use to create an extra space or line between different elements.

Social Media: Use this element to add your social buttons. Just enter the URLs of your social media accounts. Only the buttons with a URL behind it will be shown.

Image: Use this element to add images to your page.

Dropdown: Use this element when you want to ask visitors a multiple choice question. A new option is created with every line break in the text.

Checkbox: Use this element which visitors can select as a response to a question.

Carousel: Use this element if you want to show your visitors multiple images in 1 block.

Button: Use this element when you want to refer to another website or other Page you have created. A button is also needed to store the filled in fields in the Customer Data Platform.

Barcode: Use this element when you would like to add an QR-code or code-128 to your page.

Additional add-ons

Payment: Use this element when you would like to add a payment button to your page. Please note that you need to have a CM payments account connected to your main account.

Dynamic text: Use this element if you want to show specific data of a person coming from the Customer Data Platform or via a specific iDEAL QR code.

Dynamic text - Customer Data Platform

  1. Change the Source to Customer Data Platform

Key property: this is the column in the Customer Data Platform of which the data will be shown. This needs to be a key variable, so for example Email or Mobile phonenumber.

Value to match: this is the specific value for which will be searched in the key property column filled in above. If you want to show personalized data per recipient of the Page, you can add a merge tag like Email or Mobile phonenumber here. In that case it will search for the email address or mobile phonenumber of that specific recipient in the Customer Data Platform. You can also hard code a search option and not add a merge tag.

Value to display: this is the specific value which will eventually be shown on the Page of the recipient. For example, if you want to show the discount code on the profile (if this is updated/overwritten regularly) you can set this to Discount Code.

Dynamic text - iDEAL QR

  1. Change the source to iDEAL QR

  1. As a field you can either have Count or Amount:

  • Count: the number of donations or payments on a specific QR code.

  • Amount: total amount of those donations or payments on a specific QR code.

  1. As a QR code ID you can either show it for one QR code or use a merge tag to show personalized donations or payments per QR code of a recipient.

Check your page and put it live

When you’re satisfied with the settings and design of your page, it’s smart to check how your page looks and send a test page. To make sure your page works properly and looks how you want. Follow these final steps to put your page live.

1. Click on the mobile icon to show a mobile preview.

2. Satisfied with the mobile preview than you can now send a test page by clicking on send a test page.

3. Enter the phone number you want to send the test page to.

4. Check the page on your phone, satisfied? You can now publish the page.

5. Click on the URL icon

6. Enter the name of the URL, this is only visible to yourself.

There are two options for your URL: a short and a long URL.

  1. Don't shorten: this URL has a unlimited validity period.

  2. Short URL: this URL is valid for a period of 6 months.

7. You have now created a URL for your page.

Open the URL in a browser and your page is now live! You can use the link you’ve just created in your campaigns to get those conversions!

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