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How to Set Up Faqs

FAQs can be used in Web Conversations with either a Webchat Inline or a Frequently Asked Questions configuration in Web Conversations, making it easier for customers to find answers to your most popular topics.

This guide focuses on setting up FAQs in Conversational AI Cloud.

Mark a Question as a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Questions marked as an FAQ will still be recognized as regular questions. By marking a question as an FAQ, you're just telling Conversational AI Cloud that a specific question from your article should be displayed as the FAQ on your website.

Marking a question (Q) as an FAQ is done in the Article Inputs editor. Follow these steps to mark a question as an FAQ:  Otherwise

  1. Add a properly formulated question to your inputs, similar to how an end user might ask. For example, "How do I make a return?"

  2. Click on the more options icon (…) next to the question

  3. Select "Set as FAQ"

  4. The question that will be shown as an FAQ is green

  5. Scroll up to the top of the article and click "Save"


Follow these steps for every article in your project where you want an FAQ to be shown.

Next, you will check this article in the Labels screen and apply a label if it does not have one yet.

Default FAQs

Default FAQs belong to the Default category and are the FAQs a user sees when they open the website with the inline implementation. These FAQs provide general information and are displayed by default before any user interaction.

For example:


Contextual FAQs

Contextual FAQs replace the default FAQs when a user asks a question that triggers an article from a specific category or theme. The context—or topic—of the user's question determines which related FAQs should be displayed. To ensure this functions properly, all articles must be sorted within the FAQ classification. These question-related FAQs are called Contextual FAQs (which do not refer to "context" in any other sense).

For example:


Sorting FAQs

In the Labels tab, Select “Sort FAQ” above your labelled articles if you want to arrange the order in which the FAQs are displayed:


Simply drag & drop the arrows to rearrange them:



FAQs need to be implemented in the design of your project in order for them to show online. View our Developer documentation for more information.

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