How to use conditional content in Email Campaigns?
The goal of this article is to inform customers about using conditional content in Email Campaigns. After reading this article, you should be able to add conditional content to your Email Campaigns on your own.
Who can it help?
- Marketeers
Why use conditional content in Email Campaigns?
Conditional content in Email Campaigns allows marketers to create highly personalized emails by displaying specific content based on individual subscriber criteria. This feature is useful for increasing engagement and delivering targeted messaging. For example, you can show a dog image exclusively to subscribers who are identified as dog lovers, enhancing their connection with your brand.
How to use conditional content in Email Campaigns?
Using conditional content in Email Campaigns is easy, you can follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Create a email campaign
First, access the Email Campaigns app by clicking on the nine-tile menu in the top right corner and navigating to the Email Campaigns app. Here, you can create a new triggered or newsletter campaign or template. Once you've created a campaign or template, go to the 'Design' tab.
Step 2 - Make row conditional
Second, select the row in your email that you'd like to make conditional. When the menu on the right side of the screen opens, scroll down to 'Dynamic Content'. Click on 'Add Condition with Builder' to open the conditional content pop-up.
Step 3 - Add condition to row
Third, fill in the name and description for the condition you'd like to add to the row.
- Select the field you want to use for the condition from the 'Merge tags' dropdown.
- Choose 'equals' or 'does not equal' in the 'Condition' dropdown.
- Enter the value that the 'Merge tags' field needs to match.
- Add another condition by clicking 'Add Condition with Builder'.
- Once finished, click 'Add'.
For example, if the field 'CustomField1' contains the subscriber's favorite pet, the condition will ensure that the row is only shown to subscribers for whom this field is filled with 'Dog'.
Step 4 - Edit condition
Fourth, after adding the condition, it will appear in the menu on the right. Here, you can click 'Edit Condition' to change the condition or 'Add Condition with Builder' to replace it with another condition. To delete it, click the cross in the top right corner.
Step 5 - Test your email
Finally, before sending out the campaign, you might want to check a preview with and without the conditional content. You can do this by clicking on 'Preview' in the bottom left of the screen. At the top of the screen, you can use the toggle to show the versions with and without the conditional row.