How to use Discount Campaigns in Seated Ticketing
It is possible to set up discount campaigns. This can be used to boost your ticket sales on a lower price, or a partner of the event has the right to buy tickets for a discounted price.
In the Seated dashboard go to Settings at the bottom left of the dashboard.
In the second column, you find the option discount campaigns. Here you can create a new campaign.
Setting up a discount campaign
Discount type:
- Automatic => automatic discount for all orders.
- Discount code => one generic discount code for all. For example, “EARLYBIRD” (for this option, the code to be used should be entered under the heading “Code”).
- Unique code => one unique code per person.
Type: Set whether the discount should be valid at the “ticket” level or at the “order” level. An order may contain multiple ticket types for which you may not want the discount to be valid for all tickets within an order.
Discount: Specify whether the discount is an amount or percentage.
Capacity: Capacity specifies how often a code can be used. CAUTION If unique codes are chosen, capacity determines how often each unique code is valid. If you want each code to be valid once, you must select a capacity of 1
Start/end dates: Specify the time period within which this discount can be used.
Amount of tickets: At 'Amount of tickets' you can choose to make the discount only valid for a limited number of tickets, e.g. max 1 ticket (enter 1 at maximum) or from the 5th ticket onwards you get a discount (enter 5 at minimum). In fact, you should read Minimum and Maximum separately, i.e.: you must purchase at least x tickets before you can buy max x tickets at a discount.
Dashboard: Indicate whether the discount may also be visible in the dashboard. Reason may be that your cashiers are not allowed to select discounts.
Setting up the rule for this discount
Once you have saved the discount campaign you can create a rule a the bottom of the page. This will indicate on which events/venue sections or ticket types the discount will be given.
Under the 'Usage' tab you can find back who has already used the code and the total discount spent in relation to the number of tickets.
Under the 'Codes' tab you can create discountcodes. These can be generated by the system or through the import function you can import your own code. Import can be done easily by just entering the code in column a of an excel file.
When you let the system generate the codes, the system will ask you how much codes you need, how long each code will be and which characters you will use. Our advise is that you remove the O I 1 and 0 to to avoid misunderstandings.
Codes can then be distributed by yourself. In this overview you can also see which code has been used. Within Seated you cannot see to whom which code has been sent, this is outside Seated.