How to work with resell in Seated Ticketing
On the CM resell platform, tickets can be offered directly to other fans at home and abroad. In the unlikely event that you can no longer attend the event, the main booker can offer the ticket in an official and safe way via the resell platform. This way, tickets that were actually sold out becomes available (again) on the platform. The resell platform can be open up to and including the event.
Set up the resell shop backend
Resell can only (and must) be offered via a separate shop. Therefore, please note that you will not be able to see from the standard shop if seats are still available via resell. However, login for the end user is the same for the regular shop and resell shop. Setting up a resell shop is done in a few clicks, check with your CSM what steps you need to do.
The addition ‘resell’ will be automatically added to the url of the resell shop. Once the resell shop is activated you can get started setting up. First you will set which ticket type you want to offer for resell for each event. Open the ticket type and select the checkbox under Advanced Settings. To emphasize, we are now talking if you anyway offering a ticket via resell. Good to know is that this does not automatically mean it will also be offered as the same ticket (adult for adult for example). Although this becomes more apparent in the case of a Child ticket. Where someone may offer their ticket - if activated as below - but not as a Child ticket.
Secondly, you create a sales plan where you only need to select the resell shop.
Because HOW you offer it is set via the sales plan of the event you want to sell for. Here you select the resell shop and then the ticket types that may be offered in it. So it could be that you are allowed to offer Adult and Child tickets, but can only be bought back as Adult. If the ticket is sold, the initial ticket holder will receive the Child rate back.
The price at which the ticket is offered on the resell platform is the price set for that ticket type. You can offer it at a higher price, but then you need to create an additional ticket type for this. However, if a ticket can be continuously offered again (and each time with an increased price), you would have to create an additional ticket type each time.
As long as your offered seats are not sold through the resell platform, you can withdraw them. Both when offering and withdrawing, you will not receive a confirmation email. The ticket offered remains scannable and available via resell. The moment you scan the ticket, it is automatically removed from the resell platform.
It is possible to give seasoncard / passepartout holders the right to offer an underlying match via resell, but not give single ticket buyers of the same match this right.
The difference is in the setting of the ticket type. In the ticket type of the single match, you do not activate resell, but in the ticket type of the seasoncard / passepartout you do activate resell. In this way, you indicate that one can offer his ticket but not the other.
In order to offer tickets in the resell shop, it is mandatory that you have an account in the shop. It is therefore important that the login policy is not set to optional or not required at all.
From the menu in the resell shop, go to Resell. There you will find the seats you can offer and select the seats you want to offer.
In the next step, you get an overview of the selected tickets and need to enter the bank details in case a refund needs to be made at a later stage. If you cannot leave your bank details, click on ‘Use other bank details’.
The status of the ticket changes in the shop within the MyAccount. If you want to withdraw the ticket, you will receive additional warning about this first.
When the ticket has been sold on the resell platform, you as ticket holder will receive an e-mail about this.
When a potential buyer logs in to the resell platform, availability can be seen immediately per event.
When you click through, you get an overview of all sections. At the top you have a filter to speed up your search. Tickets for seated sections are displayed one by one. Tickets for general admission sections are shown in one container and can be added to the basket via the plus button. It is not possible to select a seat from a floor plan. Once ticket(s) are selected, the same process to finalize follows as in the regular shop.
The barcode is changed for the resell ticket, the barcode of the initial ticket is cancelled.
As soon as a ticket is submitted via the resell platform, it is marked in the order overview with a resell icon. In addition, you can see in the Activity log that this action has taken place. No ticket can be withdrawn from the resell via the back office.
Once the ticket is finally sold through the resell shop, then the resell icon turns green.
Both order screenshots were taken in the initial order. In the new order - read the one that bought the ticket via resell - the regular green icon is shown.
Via the menu Visitors (bezoekers) in the event, you can see via the status filter whether tickets are available for resell OR have been sold via the resell shop.